Posts - Tourettes Action | HealthUnlocked

Tourettes Action

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All posts for August 2011

Have you got a CPN?

I’m beginning to loose count of how many times I’ve been asked this question and...

The Secret Diary of a Support Group Co-ordinator

It’s a thankless task being the group support officer, I feeling quite lonely an...
catherinem profile image

More of the Same that I Forgot About

I should have written about this before but I forgot, maybe that’s part of my pr...
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How to Train a Man

If you think I have an answer to this conundrum dream on I wish I knew myself. S...


It’s Saturday night, I should be out having fun, but I’m not, far from it. With ...
catherinem profile image

Help Me

The sun is shining and all is good in the world, I’ve done my “to-do-list” and I...

Trouble for Trumpets

I’m feeling quite tired as I often do after a day in London. In the morning I at...
catherinem profile image

An Unhappy Bunny

I’m feeling fed up. The role of the support group co-ordinator is a thankless jo...
catherinem profile image

Brighton Rock

Guess what, I’ve been given the job of organising the post-conference entertainm...
catherinem profile image

Croeso cynnes i'n cyfeillion Cymraeg

Helô a chroeso i'n cyfeillion ar yr ochr iawn o Bont Hafren. Mae'n pleser i weld...
catherinem profile image

West Midlands Support Group Family-Friendly Meeting

It’s here it’s in my diary set in ink, so please keep your schedules free for ou...

Think Bike!

I’ve just come back from a rather pleasant ride out with my partner, his cousin ...


(You need to read this in a silly Japanese accent) Doctor running up a mount...

Big changes coming soon :S

Okay so I am getting pretty worried now. Next Wednesday there will be a meeting ...
LittleClapham profile image

I Need a Good Kick up the A***

Seriously kick me, I’ve got myself into a bit of a flug (made up work, it’s a cr...
catherinem profile image

Bless the Weather

I don’t fair well in this heat, I would have hoped that by this hour (11.39pm) I...

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