Posts - Tourettes Action | HealthUnlocked

Tourettes Action

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All posts for September 2012

Goodbyes and crying

I haven't wrote for ages. I tried to last week but I ended up in a pool of tears...
LittleClapham profile image

Nobody’s Fault but Mine

The events and conversation that have inspired this particular blog post happene...
catherinem profile image

Raised on Robbery

Just before I go into the main body of this blog post just a quick little quanda...
catherinem profile image
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I may or may not have TS?

It really is just lately that I have started to wonder and possibly brought on b...
Sahara profile image


Tourettes Action WORKSHOPS AND GROUP START UP MEETINGS We have received fundi...


TA Conference on TS for Adults in Birmingham - Saturday 1st December 2012 10am ...

Oooh Betty!

For a while in my previous house I gained the nickname 'Frank Spencer'. For a lo...
LittleClapham profile image

Please can you tell me, if there are any support groups in Northern Ireland for parents with children with Tourette's?

gregmcclure profile image

A Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra

Since the airing of the fantastic “Tourettes; Let me Entertain You” on Monday, I...
catherinem profile image

A good dose of strep

I felt a lot better since my last blog. My IBS had relaxed a little and I was fe...

Hi i am new here my son is 9 an has had tics for quite some time now!! He can get up tp 4 at 1 time, Do i need to go to the docs to confirm

That he has tourettes? Does he actually have Tourettes? head jerking, eye flicke...
Mrsp29 profile image

Space Cowboy

I’ve got the “stupids” good and proper, I’m not sure if I’m coming or going, and...
catherinem profile image

My Brain Has Turned to Mush

It hasn’t really; I’ve just been resting it. Campaigning and having to be consta...

Bipolar linked to Tourette's ?

My 9 yr old son was diganoised with Tourette's 4 years ago, over the last year h...
Emie123 profile image


First some good news! I have met a beautiful rabbit today who (fingers crossed) ...
LittleClapham profile image

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