I have had tinnitus for over 3 years now and for the last year I have also had constant crackling in my ears when swallowing and yawning. The same crackling effect that you can get after a flight. I have seen doctor, ENT and the tinnitus clinic who have all looked in my ears and said that my Eustachian tubes are working normally. So why all the crackling? Anybody else have the same issues and been given any indication as to why? This accompanied with my tinnitus which seems to be constantly worsening is driving me insane
Worsening tinnitus and crackling in ears when ... - Tinnitus UK
Worsening tinnitus and crackling in ears when swallowing and yawning but not ETD

I have similar but no answers...yet! Just wanted to say I'm sorry you have such horrible symptoms.
It sounds similar to my crackling / squiggy noise when I yawn and swallow. Mine is defo ETD. I use a facial steamer to inhale steam to help get the gunk out then the tinnitus subsides. Good luck with your problems
I get that all the time. Gp/Audiologist said no fluid in the ear. I honestly believe my eustacian tubes aren't working properly 🤷 this was diagnosed years ago, but never received any treatment. GP has given me nasal spray. I've bought an ear popper machine, which can help. Not recommending it tho, but I have done research. All those symptoms point to eustacian tube dysfunction. Giving it a try, nothing to lose.
Yes! I keep asking about Eustachian tube dysfunction as it ticks all the boxes but keep getting fobbed off because they can’t see anything. It’s so frustrating . I’ll take a look, willing to try anything now xx
I have this all the time to a minor degree and then every now and then to a bigger degree. I actually like it because after the crackling sound, the liquid pressure I feel in that ear goes down. I had a very special acupuncture treatment, and after that, I had terrific crackling in both ears for three days. At the end of the three days, the stuffiness and pressure was gone, and so the tinnitus was lessened. I personally get very excited when I start hearing the crackling! I have been diagnosed with eustachian tube dysfunction, but I’ve never done anything with the diagnosis.
Hello, yes I've been experiencing this of late. Sadly it's either trying to improve (the hope) or changing. I find nobody has any useful helpful answers myself.
Absolutely! However, what helps me at 42, is work, study (I am doing an evening course) and time with my son. Why? Because I am busy thinking about other things. I can still hear the humming, but not as loud, as I am not focusing on it. For the night when we all want to sleep, I get myself tired during the day, so a jog, gym session or long walk, so I am focusing on getting physically tired during the day. I will get up every day at 06:30, do an at home fitness DVD (Joe Wicks is best), then get ready for day, work, etc. Then around early evening time, I will go for an hour roughly of a jog or gym session. I hardly watch TV these days. Before bed say around 10pm, I will force myself to read, book, newspaper or magazine that makes me tired and my eyes start to close. Then put Ear Plugs on that the Specsavers Sell (rubbish for cutting out noise funny enough) but create a slight white noise so distorts the Tinnitus sound and I do sleep for 6 hours at least per night. I have also a ticking wall clock in the bedroom, which I could never of tolerated years ago, but again, drowns out the Tinnitus. These are my coping strategies currently, that appear to work, as without adjusting, so called professionals don't have the answers and Tinnitus will defeat you and none of us can let that happen, as it will win then!
it’s probably mucus in your tubes or wax. I used to get this till I used nellmeds sinus rinse now it does not bother me
Sounds like TMJ? Do you wear a mouthpiece at night?
Hi Have similar thing crackling in both ears on swallowing and moving jaw and ears feel blocked to diferent random levels .E tubes apear to be ok MRI was clear, waiting for CT .
Have tinitus on one side.
When occupued I do not really notice it
It also crackles if I put pressure on any part of my body ..consultant could not explain why . Started after virus last year he suggested could be nerve damage from that.
Having some music on in the house , reading etc distracts but I struggle if there are lots of people or noises.
Sorry I have not much help here but I am wutb you....it is a thing
Yep.. just try and do nice stuff and hot hide away
I've had T for 3-4 years and I have cracking in my ears like you describe. I had an accident and woke up with bilaterall T tye next day., like 8\10 non stop. I always attributed my symptoms to the actual accident. I got fobbed off because my hearing and tubes were OK.
I've recently discovered that my jaw clicking can contribute and cause tinnitus, and also that tense muscles can.
I've realised that my jaw, neck and shoulders are really tight and probably have been since the accident, I thought I was going to die so I was really stressed . My posture is also probably off.
I have my dentist booked for next week and I'm.starting physio tomorrow.
If you do not find any cause for your tinnitus, look into those two things as possible causes.
Hi yes i also have back and neck ache and tense muscles due to bad postire and was considering a physio appointment. Definitely going to book I hope you get some relief from your appointment xx
I've been to my appointment Nd straight away I've noticed a difference with my Hyperacusis, I heard the hoover and it sounded "normal" and I felt euphoria hearing it and not being agitated. My T is still the same, but I thought I'd share that little update.I hope that you also find some effective treatment .