I have had tinnitus for over 2 years now and feel like it is gradually getting worse. More recently it has started to react to when I have the radio on in the car and with certain noises I feel like the noise physically vibrates through my head. Over the last 2 weeks I have started to get an electric shock feeling when I am falling to sleep. According to Google I believe these are referred to as brain zaps. I get a loud buzz and an electric shock feeling through my head that literally lasts half a second. This is all really starting to frighten me that something is seriously wrong and that things will keep getting worse to the point that I can’t cope. Anybody else had these sensations with tinnitus?
tinnitus and electric shock feeling in head - Tinnitus UK
tinnitus and electric shock feeling in head

Good morning. This does not sound right to me, and as you say you are frightened by this electric shock feeling I would if I were you try to get to speak with your doctor today and ask him to urgently refer you to ENT dept. After all listening to a car radio shouldn’t make your head/ears that bad , don’t let the doctors brush it off, If necessary you may have to pay privately to Ent to get seen quickly. I wish you all the best.
thank you say waiting at the doctors now to be seen xx
if it only happens when you fall asleep it could be hypnotic jerks. All the best.
Hi Liamovy.I get these zaps too,every night mostly whilst drifting off to sleep it happens all of a sudden very quickly and is very loud, i sometimes experience a second zap a few minutes after the first,it feels like a laser is slicing through my head,it's a awful feeling!!
I've read that anxiety medication can cause it as a side effect and the anxiety itself can also be the cause whether this is fact or not i really don't know,all i do know is it all feels very weird and i hate the whole tinnitus thing!
Hope you find some answers from your G.P but it will probably be put down to anxiety,stress, etc.
yes I hate the zaps and hate the tinnitus too. Been referred to an urgent ENT appointment so see what they say xx
I hope it all goes well for you at your ENT appointment ,you will get a MRI referral without a doubt in the first instance and hopefully your mind will be put at ease after you get the results from that.
Thank you xxx
Aw..your very welcome,it's awful suffering all these things...unless you suffer tinnitus etc no-one has a clue!!Keep us posted how you get on,take care.xXx🥰
I have these electric shock disturbances too though not always at night just randomly. I also have a sudden big blue flash behind closed eyelids sometimes. Have had continuous tinnitus for about a year. Audiologist found quite deaf in one ear and MRI of ear found nothing suspicious - hearing aid with tinnitus app fitted. Went to doc yesterday as tinnitus was driving me mad and not sleeping, so mentioned shock symptoms (hard to describe) and flashes behind eyes. I said I was worried it was a brain tumour or something. She said it didn't sound that way, more likely connected to tinnitus come back if any further developments . Would be very interested to see how you got on.
Doctor referred me for an urgent ENT appointment as he is worried as I also have pulsating in one ear. Apparently can be sign of blood vessel disorder of the brain or an anneyrism. I have booked a private ENT appointment for 28th March as so stressed. Will let you know how I get on xx
Yes , I think I know exactly what you mean. Had them for years and only get them very very occasionally. Mine are when I'm trying to get to sleep. Sounds like an explosion in your head and only lasts seconds. I found it under "exploding head syndrome". Sounds scary but it really isnt . It happens when you are falling asleep or waking up in the night. It doesn't hurt. Hope you have seen your doctor now.
Good to know that you have had them some time with no scary results. Do you have tinnitus also? Doctor referrring me for urgent ENT appointment so will see what they say xx
yes MR T is alive and kicking in my head. I don't think they are connected in any way . Could be stress related but I don't really know . The "EHS" used to scare me so much that I didn't want to go back to sleep. They dont worry me now I just put a radio on softly and try to relax.
My Tinnitus started in July 2022 after I was really ill with covid. Over the last couple of months it has definitely got worse, I have a permanent headache that just will not go away, I have daily dizzy spells and after a while I have trouble focussing when, reading, writing and drawing. I have Tinnitus 24/7 in both ears and at times I get a high pitched sound in my ears. I have mental health issues which started years before I had Covid and this Tinnitus is having a negative effect on my mental health. Its a real struggle to get up in the morning and to carry out my daily duties.
It’s so depressing isn’t it. And I feel like people dismiss it because they can’t relate it. I’m even more scared now that I am getting these electric shock feelings in my head. I really hope you get some respite ffrom it because I know how horrible it is xx
I am so glad I found this group yesterday and to hear from people who have the same symptoms as I do, because when I am on my own I feel like I am going mad. Last May I had an appointment in a Tinnitus clinic and was promptly told that they could not help me because of my mental health. I was so angry and upset I went and told my GP how I had been treated as he was the one who referred me, he was absolutely appalled and referred me to another Hospital. I went yesterday had my ears suctioned again which made no difference and was told that they would refer me to their Tinnitus clinic, so yet again I find myself on yet another waiting list.
Just seen your bio that you are on a ling waiting list for ENT so was I it’s a nightmare isn’t it. I have now been bumped up to urgent since my latest symptoms but have already booked a private appointment with an ENT consultant in the meantime it was £180 if you can afford it but then I am hoping to go back on the NHS for any treatment or tests that he recommends. But think it is money well spent to speed up the process. Just thought I’d share as I know waiting really messes with your mental health. Good luck xx
Hello Liamovy, I get these electricity brain zaps too, mainly first thing in the morning when I wake up, but at other times of the day as well. My MRI and CT scans done last year were normal, so I'm hoping that its nothing to worry about. It helps to know from all the comments here that others have similar symptoms. My tinnitus has worsened over the last 10 months since I suddently went deaf in one ear, more or less screams at me all day when I'm awake. Currently trying CBT and a regular hearing aid without masking gizmos. Have also tried craniosacral therapy, Bowen therapy, and Reiki, all of which helped me to relax better, but in the long term haven't helped. The CBT lady has suggested I look at lipreading classes (which sounds like a sensible back-up plan as the hearing in my good ear drops off with old age!) Do let us know if your new pharmaceutical product helps. All the best .
Hi there Liamovy, have you had that urgent appointment ? Very interested to know what they said xx
Consultant put my symptoms down to anxiety. Doesn’t think there is any need to be referred for a scan but said if I want to pursue that further to go back to the doctor to request. He has referred me to a tinnitus clinic so see what comes of that. To be honest was really hoping for a scan to put my mind at rest. Hard to believe that all of this is a result of anxiety 😩 still got some blood tests in next few weeks so see what comes of those. Just want to feel norma again but I’m sure you can relate to that. Hope you are doing ok and not letting this horrible thing get you down too much xx
Oh, that must be disappointing for you. Sounds as though your hearing is still OK. My T came on suddenly 10 months ago, when l lost all hearing in one ear ("probably due to a virus" - the only virus infection I've had since 2019 is Covid). So mine is not due primarily to anxiety, but there's no doubt that this aggravates it. I've just driven 100 miles on noisy motorways today, and it's really bad tonight - cannot concentrate on anything. I've also just picked up a cold from my grandchildren. Feel like someone is passing an electric current through the left side of my head! I hope the tinnitus clinic helps you. I had to wait 9 months for an online tinnitus clinic appointment, with a foreign lady who l could barely understand!! There are so many helpful people on this forum - helps me to try and stay positive. All the very best - you're not alone!
Yes not exactly the response I was hoping for. And the more I think about what has been said the more I disagree but can only see what they say at the tinnitus clinic and pray they can help. Just praying the waiting list isn’t too long. Xx
yes I have had these sensations that u describe - but i dont really know anything about them
Hi Liamovy, just checking to see if you are feeling better now and the electric shock issue has resolved? I have exactly the same issue as you, with tinnitus and the electric shock in head when wakening or falling asleep. I’ve been like this a year, with no let up. I’ve had MRI brain sinus and ears and all came back good. It’s really affecting my quality of life with interrupted sleep and I would love to hear if you are feeling better now? Thank you.