I had an outer ear infection this month that inflamed and blocked my ear canal, causing tinnitus. I took optomize and the infection went away, but the tinnitus stayed. The doctor examined my ears again and said they were fine, even though I still have tinnitus and sometimes itchiness. My ears are also very dry and flaky, but the doctor didn't mention anything about that. They scheduled me for hearing tests. Does anyone know if the tinnitus will be permanent? I am so worried.
my ear infection healed but my tinnitus hasn’t - Tinnitus UK
my ear infection healed but my tinnitus hasn’t

Yes , I got an Ear infection 7 years ago, which gave me blocked eustacian tubes and tinnitus. I still cannot pop my ears, I have muffled hearing and my tinnitus has got worse and worse over the years .
I have had covid twice, these infections have worsened tinnitus, every time. My best advice to you is to make an effort popping your ears.
Hi. Sorry to hear your story.
I had an inner ear infection a month ago which resulted in total deafness and tinnitus in one ear. After a course of steroids the hearing returned but the tinnitus remained, now in both ears.
My other concern was very little sleep; I managed to overcome this with CBD, magnesium, Valerian tablets, sound pillow and a few other experiments so now it’s just the tinnitus. Had a MRI scan and awaiting the next steps.
I have had a couple of days where the tinnitus seemed much quieter but the next day it’s back to normal. A food diary has not revealed any potential cause. Waking, exercising and being outside does seem to ‘mask’ the noise a little. After I get the results of the MRI / spoken to my GP, if there is nothing that can help I will explore options available through Tinnitus UK.
Good luck with your tinnitus.
with tinnitus, it might go away. But over time, you will get used to it even if it doesn’t. Nothing to fret about, just a nuisance
Hello Kitty 🙂 What Rosie says is so true.. Your T may go away but it's nothing to worry about if it stays. It seems worse at first because you're not used to it. Over time it becomes as natural as any other sounds. Lots of people live very well with their T . Try not to worry about it as that can make it seem louder . Just carry on as usual if you can .. Doing all the things you enjoy. You're going to be fine.
I want to hear silence, it’s actually my fault. People warned me about using cotton buds but I still used it which caused tinnitus. I was addicted to cotton buds.
I know. I miss the silence too. The cotton buds may be the reason your ears are dry and flaky but they don't necessarily cause T . There is usually a trigger for T - like hearing loss or trauma - or sometimes no reason at all. It's best not to use cotton buds but please don't beat yourself up. Be kind to yourself. That's the starting point for learning to live T - if it stays.
The cotton buds caused me to get outer ear infection which came with tinnitus but I know people have it worse. Silence is only my wish.
Hi. I have an ear infection, taking antibiotics to help clear that and my chest infection. I have had Tinnitus for a lot of years now - in the beginning I could only hear it if there was no background noise, like TV or Radio, and when I was working. Now it’s 24/7 and with ear infection has increased in volume. I use an App called relief at night, the Fire and Rain sound used to mask it but just lately just subdues it enough for me to get to sleep.
This is hard to do but if you can and ignore it, or at least stop yourself from tuning into it, will not seem as bad.
You do get used it, and sometimes is still annoying but that’s like many things in life we have to learn to live with.
All the best and please try not to worry yourself too much about it, it can make it worse, as you are constantly checking (tuning in to it) to see if it is still there.
The doctor said my infection cleared up but my ears are still painful, did you also experience this?
I had Covid three months ago and have had tinitus ever since and feeling unbalanced when I walk - I’ve been to see an audiologist who has recommended an MRI - it’s awful and worrying and worse at night - I’m hoping things will settle down. I think everyone has different experience with tinitus
Me too - had an ear infection a month ago. Antibiotics and ear drops prescribed, but tinnitus has persisted. Finding it hard to cope and not sure what to do next.