Is there someone here with success with hearing aids to stop pulsatile tinnitus? I have this for over 20 years. It goes with my heartbeat. Had been tested heart-wise, all is good there. I must have a small copy of my heart up in the middle of my brain because the noise comes from the middle of my head .
Luck with hearing aid in killing tinnitus? - Tinnitus UK
Luck with hearing aid in killing tinnitus?

Hi Deme,
Sorry to learn that you have this annoying sound. From what I've read, your type of pulsatile T is most likely your nervous system actually hearing the blood moving through your ears. If that's correct, it probably means that something is causing your system to "over listen" and hear things that are normally there, but are ignored. So you're correct, your brain is totally aware of what your heart is doing. It sends the instructions to your heart, because your brain needs your heart after all. They are best buddies!
Technically there's no cure for "regular" tinnitus, not that it's ever exactly regular, as everyone "hears" something slightly different. But something, like background sounds might help you a bit.
Even so I would hope that a qualified audiologist should be able to at least talk to you about what you're hearing. If they are merely saying it's pulsatile and having nothing to add after that they need another job.
And yes, my tinnitus is mostly central to my head, hmm, maybe slightly off to the right.
So bless your heart, and I wish you well. Peter.