I posted a few short months ago about having mind bending tinnitus (which had taken a turn for the worse), and hearing loss. I saw a brilliant ear, nose and throat consultant who stated that I had some hearing loss and that my tinnitus was in the frequency of my hearing loss and so there was a very strong possibility that they were linked.
Short story, short. I now have two brilliant FREE hearing aids on the NHS and I can only hear my tinnitus when I take them out. A great sadness for me was that my tinnitus ‘drowned out’ the sound of birds singing and brooks babbling, and the brilliant thing for me is that my tinnitus and my hearing loss were related. I had lost the frequency of women’s voices, birdsong and tinkling water, so, my consultant told me, my tinnitus was in that frequency.
Thank you for the support I received when I was at my wits’ end. The answer to my question was- our brilliant NHS!