Hi I’m flying in ten days just a short four flight and my tinnitus is worse than ever atm. Wondering if I’m better leaving hearing aid in or out? Wearing head band to cover ears or what any advice appreciated please. I flew a month ago with no hearing aid in 1/2 hour flight and since that flight my tinnitus has been worse. 😢 Thanks.
flying with tinnitus : Hi I’m flying in ten days... - Tinnitus UK
flying with tinnitus

I need something to block my tinnitus up
O have hearing aids for both hearing and tinnitus as mine gets bad at times especially at night no ear plugs or anything helps as I have damage to my inner ears after my brain aneurysm In 2009
I bled out my ears and nose hence having bad tinnitus it took many years for audiology in our local hospital to believe me i had tinnitus
I recently went to Aus . During the flight I did not need H A, the hum of the plane is quite soothing. I use noise cancelling headphones which help block out the surrounding sounds .
Good luck
Thank you I was looking into buying noise cancelling headphones as I’m very reactive to loud sounds too. 😊
Hi, planning to travel soon too by plane,can you advise what type of noise cancelling headphones you use as I think I will be better off using them? Thanks 🙏
hi, like Parrcj I’ve flown quite a few times and found the aircraft noise rather soothing. I didn’t wear my hearing aids but used headphones to listen to the in flight entertainment with no problem. Try not to worry and enjoy your trips. 👍
Thank you, I think it was because after my last flight 4 weeks ago my tinnitus had been worse than ever but I also had an ear infection in both ears shortly after getting back. Thank you 😊
Probably the infection made them worse. Flying itself shouldn't do that. However if flying with a sinus infection , I would suggest "earplanes" from the chemist. They stop the eustation tubes blocking up from the pressure. I have used them for 20 years , for take off and landing .Can be uncomfortable whilst in , but taken out when reaching cruising height.
Hi, I have flown many times and no problem with my T, like Covenette said I find the aircraft noise mask`s my T.
I've flown numerous times and I don't think it affects my tinnitus at all. My hearing on the other hand has been greatly affected at different times. But to get to your question - I don't think anything you do is going to have an effect one way or the other on your tinnitus. As you feel it got worse without your hearing aid, maybe put it in this time. I usually fly with mine out just to make for a quieter overall experience.
Hi, I have flown considerably since I developed tinnitus about 6 years ago. I found d noise cancelling headphones to be absolutely essential.
I fly often in all sizes of planes and have tinnitus. It makes no difference for me. T is not a hearing issue but a brain problem. It is the nerve from the ear that attaches to the brain. A study was done on completely deaf people with tinnitus. They severed the nerve and it did not help.
Very interesting thank you.
Bmb64 how did you get on flying?I'm flying soon so would like some advise? Thanks
I’m so sorry for not replying, I couldn’t fly as I had Covid literally two days before I was due to go. The only thing I was going to do differently was leave my hearing aid in. Good luck .
Dear Friends,
I wanted to share my journey of overcoming tinnitus, a condition that once seemed insurmountable. For years, the persistent ringing in my ears affected my hearing and memory, making daily life a challenge. However, my life changed when I discovered an all-natural formula specifically designed to combat tinnitus.
This formula not only provided relief from the constant noise but also helped improve my hearing and memory. The blend of natural ingredients worked wonders, restoring my peace and enhancing my overall well-being.
I highly recommend this natural solution to anyone struggling with tinnitus. It has made a significant difference in my life, and I hope it can do the same for you.
Here is the link to the formula: ozair612.systeme.io/hearing...
Hope this will help you!
Best regards,