Hi everyone, I'm glad to report after 20+ years of suffering from tinnitus I am having relief from it when I use my new hearing aids. I got them on Monday and they are custom tuned so that I receive the higher frequency range because my hearing was damaged due to House music DJing for years. I can hear my hissing tinnitus in the mornings when I wake up but after about ten minutes of using the hearing aids the tinnitus has definitely calmed down. I'm over the moon with this as my tinnitus was getting worse as I have to take DMARDS for rheumatoid arthritis. I have added a picture of the Oticon Hearing Aid.
GOOD NEWS Hearing Aids helping my tinnitus - Tinnitus UK
GOOD NEWS Hearing Aids helping my tinnitus

Thanks for this - sounds good!!
Pleased you’ve found relief, I was told by audiology that hearing aids wouldn’t help me as my hearing is good. However, I’m wondering whether I should try something to see . Do you think hearing aids are just for hearing better or can they help my tinnitus and fullness of pressure in right ear ? Any ideas
Thanks for your reply , my tinnitus is not high pitched it is lower like a roaring fan oven do you think hearing aids will help me if it’s low pitched ? Are these Oticon hearing aids expensive ? Pleased your better
Hi rabbits65 . Like you I have a low pitched tinnitus and a constant Ear pressure. I like your description of your T. 😊 I have difficulty in popping my ears. And I have a hearing loss in the High freqency range , which is due to age. I do have masking Ear aids, but I dont get any relief from these, as I feel I have to deal with more noise, having them in my ears. But maybe you will get relief , we are all different in our common suffering.😢Please doctors , scientists, help us all 🙏
Thankyou for your reply . I agree I really wish more research could be done to help us . It seems so unfair . Some days I feel I can’t carry on . I do try hard , walking dogs etc etc . It feels like this sound has taken over my head even though it’s right sided. I live on my own I’m 68 yrs. I wish I wasn’t on my own as my poodles can’t talk to me. It helps if I have company . Do you cope alright?
No, not really, but I am trying very hard to live a normal life. It is difficult as my T is 24/7. Very loud. 😩 I am married and still working. My work gives me diversion. My nights are a big challenge, but I have found a way to get through it. I listen to Audi books all night, having an Ear piece placed in my Ear. 😊 And using melatonin . 😴 And praying to God for Healing. Walking with our dog gives me pleasure too.
Sorry to hear that you are on your own, yes, it is a good thing to have company , giving you a chance of forgetting yourself for a moment.
We can only hope that there will be a cure for us one day. I think we will be the luckiest people in the World.🤗 Best wishes
Now that’s strange because a lot of you lovely people have difficulty at nighttime, mine is different , mine is worse walking around and doing jobs, when I lay my head down it is a lot of relief for me. I also find the atmosphere outside in the fresh air , walking poodles etc helps me. I live at Bexhill on sea and I find the sea is very soothing. . At theMoment as you know seeing a doctor is like gold dust at the moment , but I’m determined one day to go and have a long chat to my doctor about doing some sort of investigation into my awful situation . I am certain somewhere there is and has got to be a cure . Well I’m being bold in my hopes of course and resolve back down into my noisy helpless self . I go out, chat to people, mainly doggie talk of course, poodles are very lively and full on, full of mischief puts a smile on my face ,
Take care , hope we can keep in touch , Penny. Rabbits65
I have just been given exactly the same ones, they help me 100%, from previous posts, sadly do not suit everyone, however I couldn’t put a price what I would pay if they were not free on nhs. I think I would sell my soul to the devil if I had to,, keep well.
Nice work Frankie. That's great news!🙂
Ive had T for the last 6 years and its bilateral, plus classed as 'floating' or 'central'. This means that i have an endless drone noise in my head, besides the bilateral little misdemeanours.... I wish you all the best x Count your blessings
I am about to order a pair of Bernafon hearing aids, though it sounds like the Oticon might be a better option, it would be lovely if they helped my tinnitus. I can see that you can have Tinnitus Sound Support with them.