Sudden Tinnitus: hi, joined this in hopes I’ve... - Tinnitus UK

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Sudden Tinnitus

Concertluver profile image
29 Replies

hi, joined this in hopes I’ve getting some help or suggestions

I’m an avid concert goer, I absolutely love it and it brings me a lot of joy. I always wear foam ear plugs during them

However, last September I developed a weird beeping in my left ear. Went to doctors, had hearing tests, done an MRI, went to cardiologists in fear it was heart related- everything always came back fine. It became manageable and easy to ignore so I kept on except now I bought ear muffs to use during concerts in case ear plugs weren’t enough. If it felt too loud, I would use them along with the foam plugs(they’re tight and uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time)

Then 2 weeks ago, I went to back to back concerts and my left ear developed another weird ongoing sound- I’m guessing tinnitus related. And both right and left had a weird static sound especially when I laid down to sleep. Tried my best to adjust and scheduled a hearing test and ENT appointment this coming week

Then last night I went to another concert, again wore ear plugs and used my ear muffs toward the last hour when I felt like it was getting too loud or we got closer to the stage. I got home and now my right ear has a sound I’ve never heard before and bothers me so much- guessing it’s full blown tinnitus at this point.

I’m really struggling and feeling panicked considering I thought that I had gone thru all the avenues for a safe event, I’m not sure how this could happen. Waiting for the hearing test in a day but I feel like I’m going crazy

not expecting to find answers here but if anyone has any opinions or thoughts that could help- please let me know :( thank you

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Concertluver profile image
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29 Replies
CLL23 profile image

See an ENT.My tinnitus got markedly worse after V&O. I also had covid and pneumonia in the same year.

My ENT told me any of these conditions and the drugs used to treatment could have caused the tinnitus increase.

Concertluver profile image
Concertluver in reply toCLL23

Sorry whats’s V&O?

Yes I have a hearing test this Monday and and ENT appt on Tuesday - hopefully she will have answers for me

I’m so sorry to hear that yours got worse especially after getting sick :( hoping it lessens / goes away for you x

Pineappleonpizza profile image

Please try not to worry too much. I went to a concert 3 months ago that started T, I would say it was a 6/10 then, now it’s got really quiet to a 1/10.

It might settle down. Stay away from loud noise and no headphones for a good few weeks.

Take antioxidants and anti inflammatory supplements

In the states you would be given steroids my GP said they don’t do that here but it’s worth an ask xx

Concertluver profile image
Concertluver in reply toPineappleonpizza

Thank you xo

Did you wear ear protection for your concert also? I’m so sorry you’re going through the same thing and I hope it goes away completely for you too

Yes they give out steroids here pretty easily when it comes to hearing issues, not sure if that will reverse anything though

What kind of supplements would you recommend??

Appreciate your kind response, it has been really difficult

Pineappleonpizza profile image
Pineappleonpizza in reply toConcertluver

Annoyingly that night I forgot my decent earplugs and just wore foam ones. I really feel for you, you thought you were doing the best thing, with your ear muffs and plugs. It sounds like your ears might have had a slight bit of tinnitus already and from what I've read sound waves can go through bones as the cochlear actually sits behind your ear??

I can imagine it's been really difficult, I can completely empathise, I was terrified, I spent a lot of time in tears. I did spend a lot of time searching on fb groups but they're full of people who really aren't coping too well, I would advise to not go down that rabbit hole!

The best advice I can give it to give it time, I really hope the sound get's less. Take something to help you sleep. The more negative emotions we attach to the tinnitus sound the more the brain thinks it's a threat. I know it's easier said than done, but put some low noise on to try and not think about it. If it doesn't go away then eventually you just have to get used to it, like the buzzing of the fridge - the brain won't notice it as it does not think it's a threat.

I am taking all of the supplements on the bottom of this link (but not the vitamin A)

Plus quite a high dose of Lions Mane and grape seed extract and black seed oil. No coffee, tea or alcohol.

Feel free to reach out to me again. I really feel your struggle

Concertluver profile image
Concertluver in reply toPineappleonpizza

All I wear are foam earplugs! I thought those protected my ears the most :( do they not?? ugh i had no idea about the sound waves. One of those concerts were really loud and in a small venue so it was vibrating everything but you're right i think i had it slightly already. it sucks because concerts bring me so much joy, i have so many lined up that i dont know how to do anything now

thank you so much- will try my best to give it time. yesterday was my first full day with it and i definitely went down a rabbit hole on reddit and no one seems to coping with it well. lots of tears and i just dont feel like myself. just a hot mess

i took xanax both nights to calm and make myself sleep but i definitely wake up a lot and listen for it. it also sounds louder in the evening it seems and probably because my brain is freaking out

did your ENT or doctor say much about your situation?

thanks so much 🥺 i will definitely reach out. you've been so helpful and kind

Pineappleonpizza profile image
Pineappleonpizza in reply toConcertluver

Oh my dear, I just feel for you so much, losing your concerts that are so much a part of you, I understand as music is such a huge part of my life and my work too. There are plenty of people who do get on and live a very normal life with tinnitus and they are not the people on Redit! Also - these people have tinnitus and they're not moaning on Redit! .. Dave Grohl, Trent Reznor, Erol Alkan - just look at his Insta - he's still dj'ing! The first 3 months are the hardest. Yours also might ease off. You got this! (Magnesium Glycanate helps me sleep)

Concertluver profile image
Concertluver in reply toPineappleonpizza

Appreciate you so much. Your kind note gives some sort of hope ❤️

My hearing test is today and my ENT appt is tomorrow and I have so much anxiety

I’m hoping they have good news and can help

Deena6 profile image
Deena6 in reply toPineappleonpizza

When you say your decent ear plugs, which ones are you referring to?

Pineappleonpizza profile image
Pineappleonpizza in reply toDeena6

Loop ones. Well, I assume they're decent because they cost me £25!. I am going to get some of those moulded musicians ones made but TBH I'm not sure I'll risk an indoor concert again

Pineappleonpizza profile image
Pineappleonpizza in reply toPineappleonpizza

Well it seems I may be wrong. I just read that foam are better than Loop, if you insert the foam ones correctly. So I probably didn’t do that

Deena6 profile image
Deena6 in reply toPineappleonpizza

I assumed foam gave more protection. I wouldn't risk an indoor concert either. It just isn't worth it.

RKAUF profile image

It’s quite common for tinnitus to begin from being exposed to loud music. Pineappleonpizza’s advice about staying away from loud spaces for a while to allow the sound of the tinnitus to settle down, is a good approach.

If you’re having problems sleeping then try a) tiring yourself before you go to bed with some exercise and b) using masking sounds to plot out the buzzing of the tinnitus - like white noise, or opening a window, etc.

The first few weeks/months managing tinnitus can be extremely difficult, but remain calm and speak to others that have found ways to manage it. There’s bound to be support groups where you are. All the best.

Concertluver profile image
Concertluver in reply toRKAUF

Thank you for the kind response! Will definitely stay away from loud spaces for awhile

I’ve been taking Xanax to calm and sleep at night but it’s only been 2 night so not sure what else can help down the line

Appreciate you taking time to respond xo

BiteyDelano profile image

I played bass in a rock band and started to use ear plugs to avoid exacerbating my tinnitus. I quickly found that the ear plugs ruined my 'connection' with the music and my band mates and had no alternative but to give up playing in bands 😡.I went acoustic ...

Pineappleonpizza profile image
Pineappleonpizza in reply toBiteyDelano

Ahh that sucks, sorry to hear you had to give up playing in bands

Concertluver profile image
Concertluver in reply toBiteyDelano

I’m so sorry :(

BiteyDelano profile image

My Wife was quite pleased that I stopped going out at night playing in bands ...

Pineappleonpizza profile image


TheLadyLovesPink profile image

I'm sorry to hear about the extra noises and hoping you got on well with your appointment with the medics. I have experienced beeping noises periodically for no rhyme or reason and I just notice them and like T just ignore it as best as I can, I have tried Loop ear protection also but probably the best way going forward for your live music gigs, as someone has already suggested in this thread, is to get some professionally made moulded products to put in your ear. Good luck 😀

Pineappleonpizza profile image

Hey Concertluver, I thought I’d check in and see how you’re doing? How were your appointments?

Concertluver profile image
Concertluver in reply toPineappleonpizza

Hi! You are seriously such a sweetheart, thank you for checking in 🥺

My hearing test went well, even though I thought I failed it because the tinnitus was so loud I could barely hear the beeps but audiologist said it was above average. ENT said that there wasn’t much to do and they both said I did everything right with protection. I asked for steroids and she gave me a low dose but said she’s not sure if it’ll do anything since I don’t show hearing loss. I got too scared to take it because some people have said it’s made their tinnitus worse so I held off. it was a super hard week as I tried to habituate and I even started cognitive behavioral therapy

But miraculously, it got super quiet and almost disappeared since 2 days ago!! Not sure what happened but I am so grateful. It comes back lightly sometimes but not insanely loud anymore. I’m just still a paranoid person cause I don’t know what exactly triggered it

How are you doing?? Has it gotten any better for you?


Pineappleonpizza profile image

I'm so happy for you that it has got quiet and that the hearing test was good. You have done all the right things with your ear protection. I had been wondering how you were doing because you sounded a bit panicked in your first message and I remember my first week, I was terrified. I just hoped that like me yours would die down a bit. I'm happy to say mine is low now, like a static noise. I work in a noisy office so that does make it ring a bit towards the end of the day but then it goes back to low over night, not sure my noisy office is the best thing to do I am rethinking my job. I have decided to cancel all my concerts and festivals for a year. I've had 20 years more hearing damage than you - plus I only started wearing ear plugs 5 years ago, tut! I hope things keep improving for you x🤩

Concertluver profile image
Concertluver in reply toPineappleonpizza

Appreciate you so much and am grateful for support from someone I haven’t even met. It means a lot to me 🫶🏼

I’m so happy to hear that yours has been quiet too!! thats amazing news

That is scary about your job, it’s so difficult because with something like this, we don’t even know what fully triggers it. It’s so frustrating

I have Coachella coming up and I’ve been so paranoid and nervous but my doctors said it was fine for me to go. I was thinking same protection (ear plugs and muffs)and staying really far from the stage and if it’s too much, then I’d leave. It’s so hard to figure out a balance. Smart of you to cancel everything for the year :( im cancelling all my indoor ones for the year

I hope we both keep improving, please stay in touch xo 💖

Pineappleonpizza profile image

omg Coachella!! Have THE BEST time! I saw a new audiologist yesterday who said that I should still be fine for Glastonbury Festival, but same as you hang at the back and take it easy! They said nothing under 85db will actually damage your ears, it’s jut how easy it is for you to get spikes through any loud noise which tend to go away anyway.

It really all is the unknown at the moment I feel! 🤩x

Concertluver profile image
Concertluver in reply toPineappleonpizza

Hiii! I survived Coachella but I was paranoid throughout and kept checking the db

I wore earplugs and earmuffs the whole time except when I ate I had to take the muffs off. They hurt so bad my goodness. No new noise but my ears feel muffled and idk if it’s from stuffing my ears for so many days

The stages were SO loud sometimes up to 100 db and I’d try to step away when I could but it was a loud space altogether

Hate this new norm but trying to balance my interests too. Just nervous to go back home and fear new damage from vibrations and bass you know?

I’m so glad you’re audiologist said you can still go to Glastonbury Festival!!

Pineappleonpizza profile image
Pineappleonpizza in reply toConcertluver

How are you now you’re back at home after Coachella? I kept seeing things about it over here and wondered how you were getting on! I’m still in two minds about Glastonbury, mostly because I’m just a massive worrier, and wondering if I’d not have a great time because of that 😂😂

Concertluver profile image
Concertluver in reply toPineappleonpizza

hi! My right ear (the one that had the sudden tinnitus ) has felt super pressurized - also was in the desert and think it’s allergy driven. It feels muffled and because of it, a different sound. Could be me using double protection nonstop too causing muffled-ness. Nothing too crazy like before but I can’t tell lol I had a tinnitus test today (scheduled before when I had the crazy sound) but he even said I did everything right and I literally can hear every pitch so it’s definitely not my hearing. He said my Eustachian Tubes are def clogged

I just blow dryed my hair and I think it triggered the weird sound in my right ear again. Hard to tell what will and won’t nowadays ugh

But I get what you mean, it definitely won’t be as enjoyable as before and like the audiologist said today, he’s like stress and anxiety can make it worse. Worrying about it all weekend made the event less enjoyable and any new sound makes me feel super regretful or worried that it was my fault

I hope that if you decide to go, wear the protection you can, step away if you’re nervous and remember you can leave anytime! But I hope you truly enjoy it genuinely and completely because we deserve it!!

Also not sure if you’re into edm but just saw your line up and Sammy Virgi will be performing and I am so jealous!! I’ve missed him twice now - he is so good!! catch him if you go ◡̈

But yeah let me know what you decide Xx

Pineappleonpizza profile image
Pineappleonpizza in reply toConcertluver

Hiya! I want to let you know I went to Glastonbury! I took your advice and I actually did leave for 1 night then came back and moved my tent to somewhere quieter! I was super worried the whole time 😂😂 it basically ended up a fancy camping weekend, literally everything felt so loud even like the food stalls with their music. I’m gutted I may never go again but gotta be grateful for the crazy times and memories from when I have been.

Actually my ears are a lot better, I hear a noise all the time but it’s quiet and it doesn’t terrify me anymore. Just don’t wanna make it worse.

How you doing with it all?! :)

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