Good evening
I have had tinnitus for a decade. It has mostly been like a whistling in both ears. Last autumn, I had a severe bout of vertigo and my tinnitus changed around that time. I started to get a popping seeds sound, this went on for a few weeks, then on New Year's Day, I got a loud tuning fork sound in my right ear, it died down after I put an earplug in one ear. I repeated this over several days and it all calmed down, back to the tuning in a radio sound.
Today I suddenly got the super loud tuning fork tinnitus in my right ear again, so loud that I could hardly hear anything over it in my ear. It died down after an hour or so, but again this evening, the tuning fork is back.
Does anyone else get the tuning fork sound and can it be dampened down, by any means? I will need some sleep tonight. Talking of sleep, I think this episode happened because I was woken twice last week after only a few hours sleep and I think it has triggered this episode.