hi there, I’ve had tinnitus for 12 years now and it’s been good and bad, but mainly okay. About 10 years ago, I had EDT and everyone’s voices had a high pitch whistle to them! Also my voice sound strange. This eventually went after 12 months. Tinnitus has since just been up and down as per usual but I cope. Recently I had a build of of wax which was removed and hearing much better, but then I had a loud low tone in my right ear which lasted 4 months I’d say and has subsided, obviously still tinnitus which I’m reluctantly used too! But for the past 2 weeks, I’ve has this boom sound in my right ear, and i can hear it really loudly when it interacts with say loud fridges at supermarkets and at work where they have a fan. It’s so strange. Can’t hear it as loudly when it’s quiet? But it’s like it sings or reacts to sound?? Anyone had this. It’s so strange. Trying steroid nasal spray, rinse, all of those things in case it’s linked to Eustachian tube. But really hard to know if this is linked or if it’s another form of tinnitus. Any advice appreciated!!
tinnitus interacts with other sounds?? - Tinnitus UK
tinnitus interacts with other sounds??
it’s very likely that Mr T is trying to find other ways to discomfort you. You think you’ve got him under control then wham!
Have a look at Tinnitus UK website and find something there that might resonate with you. HMMmmmm resonate poor choice of words …..
My T reacts to sound, but it's more of an increase in volume provoked by external sounds and some sounds are worse than others. I've also had (and still do to an extent) muscle spasms in the ear in reaction to certain sounds, which can sometimes make a noise. It can also happen spontaneously and sound like thunder. However, I also usually feel movement in the ear with this. Could yours be related to that?
hi, thanks for replying. Mine is very similar. It’s all new to me. At night it’s worse though from lying down. It’s a loud thumping sound in right ear and then when I changed sides, my left ear made a thumping sound that felt like there was trapped ear behind my eardrum? thinking this is EDT related but don’t particularly feel blocked up 😔

Is the thumping sound when lying down in time with your heartbeat? If so, this could be pulsatile tinnitus.
Regarding your T's reaction to sounds such as fans and fridges, you could possibly reduce this effect by wearing noise-cancelling headphones or earphones (no need to play music through them). They are very good at reducing low-to-mid frequency continuous noise, such as motors.
Thank you for your time and replying to me. I will start using noise cancelling hand phones and see if that reduces it xx