I had inflammation in my right ear with headache, doctor gave me Otomize, but the headache was still there, went back to the doctor told me to see a pharmacist, they gave me nurofen, didn’t help, went back to the doctor again, they gave me antibiotics and codeine, this seemed to make my headaches worse and in the process made my right ear with tinnitus worse, is this something to worry about or will it go?
Tinnitus louder than usual: I had inflammation... - Tinnitus UK
Tinnitus louder than usual

Tinnitus is often noticeable when you are not feeling well, particularly if you’re having ear problems. It might well fade away as you get better.
is it normal to have that feeling of pressure on the top of my head?
A headache on top of your head is often a tension headache, it feels like someone is pulling your hair or has their hand resting on top of your head. Normal headache pills won’t work, in my experience. If that sounds like what you have you might need to take some Naproxen pills, two pills a day for about five days should take the headache away. You need a prescription for Naproxen.
Hi there. I would also agree that as your headache gets better the T will decrease.
I have had headaches for a few years. Paracetamol and ibuprofen have no affect. The doctor gave me Sumatriptan 50mg tablets. They work very good.
Hope this helps.
has it gotten better?