Hi everyone,I want to share my experience . I'm only 18 years old and since a few weeks I've been suffering of tinnitus. I've received a kiss near my right ear and since then I've been hearing noise and pulsanting tinnitus. I still dont know If the cause is the kiss because now I've been hearing it from my left ear too. I went to the ENT but he said that everything is good (he only cleaned my ears to see better and he made me do an hearing test which was good except that on my right ear i made some mistakes but probably it was for the hearing trauma ). I dont know if the cause was that or it's just stress. Let me know if you had as similar experience . I forgot to write that noises make me feel so bad, the doctor said that it might me hyperacusia .
tinnitus from a kiss : Hi everyone,I want to... - Tinnitus UK
tinnitus from a kiss

Are you going through a stressful period? My daughter is 17 and she has to wear ear protection when she goes to places with loud music or her ears start ringing. She normally has very mild T.
I imagine your tinnitus reacts with sound, like my daughter's. So ear protection is probably essential.
She's taking vitamin B12 spray to protect the brain as she doesn't eat a lot of meat and also vitamin D as she's indoors a lot.
I think giving the brain the best chance of staying healthy for longer is essential for her.
Interesting! Which B12 spray do you use please?
I know you aren't asking me, but I use Vitamins from "BetterYou", they are all spray version...and I actually check levels every few months because of my other condition and medication I take. And they work wonders for me. I have tinnitus on top of that and my Vitamin D levels, B12, Magnesium etc is great. Doctor said better than average. She told me to continue taking them. But despite no deficiencies, my tinnitus has been worse for the last 5 weeks, and I had it for 8 years. And mine was caused from a newborn baby screaming. I remember exact moment my ear trembled. Anyway you can find these Vitamins in Boots or Holland and Barret if you are in UK.
Thank you so much for the useful information. I use Betteryou Magnesium/Lavender spray and feel it is helpful. I will look out for the B12 as well. This tinnitus is a real bore, I have had mine for years, and certainly wine makes it much worse for me. However, I was watching a video by Dr Eric Berg last night, worth a watch, some folk have had some very good results with his methods. Going to give it a go myself.
Yes I am in the UK.
Will definitely have a look. I pray we all heal or at least that it goes quieter. But it is so common actually. I find that either people never heard of it or have it themselves (or know someone with it). What an annoying thing. Also worth checking blood pressure and keeping it on a healthy level. I have been to audiologist last week and the lady had it also alongside TMJ which is what I have too, it can also be caused by acid reflux/gerd, cervical spine issue etc. We have to keep trying to exclude whatever triggers us.
My tinnitus usually comes when im about to sleep and when i wake up but sometimes it happens during the afternoon too. Also im going through a stressful period because of school and because i suffer from anxiety . I'm taking Acuval as the doctor said and yesterday I also took some magnesium supplement. I will try to take vitamin b12 spray . Thank you so much for your response.
I forgot to say that once a month i take Dobetin 5000 Vitamin B12 because I have anemia
Yes be careful with strength of the each of the supplement and if you can do the blood test to see which ones your are lacking. I was for instance slightly over the line with zinc and copper. Which is very rare actually because you can't "overdose" with regular food that contain it, neither I was taking any supplements for this. It is very rare that they check for those two, but I was surprised to see that mine is through the roof. So no zinc or copper for me. So make sure you don't take anything if it's unnecessary especially vitamin D in the summer.
I do understand about the ear kiss . I've asked my husband not to do that anymore . It makes my ear ring louder. Luckily it quietens down after a short time .
How much time?
fairly quickly 10-15 minutes. I also make sure I put my earphone ( only use one) on a bit louder, just to get another sound in. My friend has similar when she drops a saucepan lid or some other loud tinny sound . It does go back to our normal tinnitus . If the ear kiss started your T . I guess that's different. I only have T in right ear, but sometimes it gets a bit louder and the tone is very high . Then I think its in the left as well , but it isn't . Maybe you could try the right ear with an earphone, ( I listen to talk programs , better than music for me) You then might be able to tell if it is in your left.