I have never posted on a forum before and steer clear of social media but let I need to this time. So my story with tinnitus started about 3.5months ago. I kept getting a sore throat and would wake up with tinnitus in the middle of night (not every night) for about 5 minutes and would go. Then at the beginning of November 2024 the tinnitus was there 24hours a day. A week later I went to the GP who diagnosed a middle (not outer or inner) ear infection. I was given antibiotics and told to wait two weeks. I went back and was told Etd. I was given a steroid nasal spray to try for a week. I went and sore an audiologist who looked in my ear and suggested I needed another course of antibiotics. Luckily the GP prescribed more antibiotics and thankfully the infection cleared up. 7 days ago but I have been left with etd and tinnitus. The tinnitus is constant but fluctuates. - good day and nights and bad days and nights. It also keeps changing each day from a bunch of crickets in my ear, to static, to a high pitched whistle to a hissing. I been have referred to ENT as I couldn't deal with it all any more. I have read following an ear infection tinnitus could stay from anything from 3 weeks to 6 months. I'm worried it could be permanent. Can honestly say this is the wort thing I have experienced. Any support or advice welcome.
Tinnitus from middle ear infection : I have... - Tinnitus UK
Tinnitus from middle ear infection
Request/ demand urgent referral to ENT. Your GP should have done this when the Audiologist suggested infection hadn't cleared from the first lot of A/Bs.
They have. Last week. I am just waiting to hear from the ENT.
Hate to say but my urgent ENT nhs appointment is at least 62 weeks.I went down the private route but as you know Tinnitus is not really treatable .I've had it for 16 years now.It has got worse after an ear infection too.Good luck .
It's a bit of a post-code lottery - it shouldn't be,
My Urgent ENT referral had me seen within three weeks.
The GP is partly responsible for this in so much as they must triage the urgency of your referral.
With that in mind - don't hold back on telling them how tough it is for you and detailing all symptoms, etc.
Best advice really is keep your fingers crossed that it resolves. T is usually a symptom of a damaged hearing system, so if yours recovers from the infection, you might get lucky.
Failing that, welcome aboard!! As the saying goes 'people don't get (understand) tinnitus until they get it'.
Hey their josh. You sound just like me, I stay clear from social media too and came to this forum in desperation. I now have tinnitus from what started from a middle ear infection we think. Starting with ear fullness, popping snd crackling and now that's stopped I'm left with good and bad days.
Sometimes It's a static noise, a vibration/thumping sound. I have had days or even 1 week when I've had nothing at all, which gives me hope I've recovered but then always ends up coming back.
Mine started in October and it's now January.
I got referred to ent, had an mri scan to rule out a tumour which it isn't. Got given nasel spray like you which did seem to help slightly at the beggining. Ent did hearing tests and prescribed me steriods for 5 days.
Ent can now no longer do anything so being referred to tinnitus specialist at hospital to help.
I feel like I've lost help and it really is so awful, the fact people will never be able to understand it until they have it. In still hoping mine may improve and hoping I'm still healing but we shall see. I have my fingers crossed for you x
Hi Sophie. My name is actually Jo. I hope yours goes to. I'm only a week in from the ear infection clearing. I have read the tinnitus can come and go and have read it can sometimes take up to 6 months to go completely as the ear needs to heal. I'm trying not to lose hope. It's very scary. Please keep in touch and let me know how you get on. I never thought an ear infection would get me in such a mess.
best of luck. Try Trebke Health l, a YouTube channel. It has very helpful advice and information
According to my audiologist and GP I have fluid in the middle ear which is pressing on my eardrum and have had this now for 19 weeks. I have been told it can take a long time to clear, and to inhale Olbas oil steam, gargle with salt water and use a saline nose spray. I already have hissing tinnitus in my left ear which I’ve had for the last 12 years and have got used to it. The fluid in the middle ear is causing me to have a siren/buzzing sound in my right ear which at the start of all this was unbearable. As time goes on the volume of tinnitus in my right ear has decreased so I am ever hopeful. I have an ENT appointment next week so I shall have to see what transpires from that. Wishing you better soon.
I have this also. I have been told to use steam inhalation 3 times a day and the fluid does drain. I also use the octovent which helps to pop the eustacian tubes. It's basically glue ear which children get. It does take a while to clear as you have been told. Hopefully the ENT will give you some answers. Whishing you the best also.