I think a while ago someone said they were taking GABA which really helped reduce their tinnitus. Does anyone else take GABA or any other alternative medication and what dosage and how long before you saw any improvement.? I know one size does not fit all but any suggestions would be welcome.
GABA or any other alternative medication to he... - Tinnitus UK
GABA or any other alternative medication to help reduce tinnitus

Different medication may or may not work, or make it worse. We're individuals. The medication is to address other issues which may also be addressed through lifestyle.
Speak to your doctor.
I take Sertraline to manage anxiety. For me,it reduces the volume, but most importantly helps me ignore or at least pay less attention to it. This is only subjectively. The main issue for me (I stress), is stress, lack of sleep from a busy and overworked, but most recently struggling with hearing aids.
be careful with sertraline. I’ve come to the conclusion that’s what caused my tinnitus. Also when I stopped taking it my tinnitus went from one sound to three sounds that increases in volume when I touch the occipital and trigeminal nerves. It’s caused permanent sensitisation of my nerves unfortunately. All the best.
As I say, we're individuals. It can indeed a listed symptom. Though I understand it's rare. As I understand that medicine must list side effects if they are reported whether or not they are a direct result.Luckily, it has returned some much welcome relief. My tinnitus is due to hearing loss as a result of damage to my ear drums following grommets about 40 yes ago when I was a child.
Indeed such meds should not be a permanent solution. In fact I'm due a follow up to agree a reduced dosage and a few weeks break possible.
Wishing you all the best too.
my hearing aids made my T worse when I wore them all afternoon and evening. At a BBQ just chatting. no music. So I'm taking them back under the 90 day approval. Took 2 days to get the T to quieten down a bit.
I went past the 90 days. I think I've probably spent too long looking for answers and worrying about not hearing people to find u can't hear people anyway.
The audiologist is going to order me a different brand . So will get another 90 day trial. . I did read up about hearing aids and they are not supposed to make T worse .
Im awaiting an ENT appointment. Maybe an alternative or I think coping strategies. I've already discussed with my employer about better environment to teach in, including flexibility. Ultimately, I need to continue to refine my delivery method in the classroom.
I took a GABA supplement for 1 year, it didn’t do a thing for me, not for tinnitus or anything else.
Gaba supplements are useless as they don't cross the brain blood barrier. 2 effective treatments for me are Clonazepam and Gabapentin. I do not take them regularly otherwise dependence can set it.
Can I ask whether Gabapentin reduced your tinnitus and what dosage did you take?
Great thanks so much for the advice.
Did your GP recommend both the medications?
Not sure where you live . I live in the UK.
What dosage clonazepam did you take?
Did you find relief almost straight away with the medication or did it take a while?
I am taking GABA, 650 mg/day, but do not take it all at once. Large does taken at once cause flushing, shortness of breath, nausea. Space it out. I do 250 mg evenings and then 350 at bedtime. It has definitely helped with sleep (my sleep regimen inclues 200 mg of L-theanine and 144 mg magnesium threonate). I also take 1/2 mg Melatonin (less is more). I have gone from insomnia to long sleep in just 3 weeks.
I am hoping it will also help with tinnitus. The 10% of it that actually crosses the bbb is increased a bit with a little niacin (time released only). Some also reaches it via the nerve system. I expect it to take weeks, but, I am hopeful. I am also taking 1.2 mg of Taurine (early in the day) as it’s depletion has also been linked to tinnitus, AND I am staring to supplement with NR, which has been shown to help with hearing loss; it is regenerative. My tinnitus is still new (6 weeks) and was Ototoxic, so I am hoping the damage is not permanent. The body has a miraculous ability to heal, so I am doing all I can to help it along, with the help of a natural supplement friendly doctor. Yes, get a brain MRI and see a reputable ENT. Godspeed.
I used to have Tinnitus in both ears, the GP gave me Betahistine Dihydrochloride 8mg 3 times a day and after 2 weeks I only have it in one ear and I can sleep at night, which I couldn't before. It is still there, but the volume comes and goes now. It still ranges from loud to quieter. And it still is constant. But I wasn't expecting it to do anything, so I am grateful for what it has done so far. I live in Worthing West Sussex England UK.
Many thanks for your reply. Did your doctor
prescribe on the NHS?
I have never heard of this medication and appreciate it doesn’t work for everyone but it is certainly worth a try.
Happy Christmas!