The results of scan I've chronic cerebrovascular brain disease & now have to start Statins.....They are shocked at how young I am, however it's not related to my Tinnitus. It's down to my neck & blood vessels getting squished & I'm waiting for neurosurgeon who is a spinal surgeon.... my word it never pours just rains ....May I ask does anyone suffer pain with their Tinnitus? Some noises are painful & cannot tolerate TV or music above a certain level .
Brain scan: The results of scan I've chronic... - Tinnitus UK
Brain scan

Good morning , I am sorry to read about your diagnosis and I hope they can sort you out.In answer to your question - I too cannot have TV or radio up very high and I appear to have developed some hyperacusis alongside my tinnitus . But “ No pain” apart from of course the psychological pain of having tinnitus , which as we all know , is a dam nuisance. 😂
Morning thanks for reply its just not me then 🙃 blooming nuisance it is love my music & nolonger able to enjoy .... TV not to fussed about ...
Well that’s right what’s happening to us is the fact our sounds are getting amplified and distorted . My mother had hyperacusis ( she’s no longer alive). I don’t think she had tinnitus though. Her hyoeracusis was really bad . Mine is in the right side and tinnitus is right side ( mainly). It is a complete nuisance all of this . Would be lovely to go back to normal wouldn’t it?

Hi AngelicScripts
If you're experiencing physical pain, this isn't related to tinnitus - it would seem far more likely to be a neurological effect or, as Rabbits suggests, related to hyperacusis. Some people experiencing sound tolerance problems do report physical discomfort from exposure to sound:
I think I am similar to you ENT are saying it is a problem from neck/spine and i have pain in my right ear like I have an infection .Do you have dizziness at all? I am now waiting to see consultant and maybe have a scan?
Sometimes symptoms such as tinnitus , Pulsatile tinnitus,hyperacusis, and vertigo can be signs of either SCDS or Carotid -Cochlear Dehiscence. A CT of the temporal bones can usually confirm or rule out these conditions.
Hi Angela, I’m about to go through the hell of spinal fusion C-5, 6, 7. Brain scans rule out cochlear issues. neurosurgeons say my T may be reduced but they really have no idea other than a few patients claim it helped. Doctors don’t like to consider this for fear we’ll get our hopes up.
Anyhow, I’ve had the hyperacusis after 20 years of T. Seems like most of it boils down to nerve damage that’s ongoing. Meanwhile, my brain trains itself to invent distractions and ignore all of the noise and weird affects. Keep busy and don’t dwell on it until there is something you can do about it.
Hello. So sorry to hear of your diagnosis. That must be a lot to take in. Thinking of you. 💐💐
Hi,Sorry to hear about your diagnosis although hopefully they'll be able to get that sorted since they've found something.
I get pain in the front of my neck (right side), same side as my pulsatile tinnitus. I also occasionally get pain in my ear - right inside (soreness) and also on the outer parts. I have also had pain around the temple and above the ear - it feels like it's swollen and massaging with my finger sometimes helps (could be TMJ related with tension).
A development has been crawling sensations up the opposite side of my head which my chiropractor cured after a few atlas adjustments - in relation to this I'm still getting burning pain around the crown of my head (towards the right side). I'm pretty sure most of this is nerve related.
Awaiting a CT scan, not for any particular reason other than I've had an MRI twice before which hasn't showed anything. I've been referred to neurology after damaging my shoulders but not for it's relation to tinnitus, although I will be making them aware.
Only other pain I can remember atm is when I get pressure in my ears.
I have TMJ which exacerbates my PT as does anxiety (very much).
I have hyperacusis - I would say it doesn't hurt as such but drive me insane and definitely sets off an anxiety like feeling and Tinnitus. Dog barking, loud music, volume up on TV. Could be partly worse as I know it triggers my PT and family members don't understand.
The last few years I've noticed I am getting vertigo more often (more from movie scenes) but occasionally on metal staircases etc.
My PT has gotten better but everyone is different and I think some of us cope better with certain tricks than others - although for me I largely think it's down to time. I still get PT and occasionally have bad spells that last for weeks but it's definitely better than before when it'd last for months at a time with no rest. Same goes for hyperacusis.
Country music has definitely helped me get through this - regular listening, limited bass etc.
Hope you find something to reduce yours!
Sounds similar I'm a lover of most music Reggae comes 1st which was easy on the ear ....Was ...