Here's an idea. Readers to construct our own T... - Tinnitus UK

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Here's an idea. Readers to construct our own Tinnitus scale

Ray200 profile image
15 Replies

Meeting up with an old school friend the other week, we found we have tinnitus in common. But as he pointed out, how to tell your nearest and dearest what it's like. Here's my attempt at a scale...

Level 0: Tinnitus not there. It can happen at times.

Level 1: Tinnitus as outside / traffic noise. You are not conscious of it as such but it's there

Level 2: Tinnitus that you need a break from. Perhaps with wireless headphones

Level 3: Wireless headphones could be on for hours

Level 4: Includes difficulty sleeping. Need audio device to mask the tinnitus to achieve sleep

Level 4 is the extent of my experience. Over to others for the rest...

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Ray200 profile image
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15 Replies
Choralmusic profile image

Hello Ray

That is a very good description of tinnitus.

It hard to put in words what it is like and of course most people have varying levels of tinnitus which might not match up to what a person is experiencing themselves.

Best wishes.

Ray200 profile image
Ray200 in reply to Choralmusic


I believe there is merit in establishing a scale non sufferers and the medical profession can understand. It can also emphasise the difference between basic grade tinnitus and additional. For example, a Level 4 with pulsating could be Level 4P. Loss of hearing could be L. Roaring tinnitus could be R. Hyperacusis H. There's no end of the letters that could be attached.

I don't know if there is a scale of such. I've not come across one but then I've never gone looking for one. If there isn't, perhaps the good people behind Tinnitus UK might adopt the idea and bring it forward. It's the kind of thing academia would normally do, but they can't. It's left to sufferers to do what they can't.

psycholady666 profile image
psycholady666 in reply to Ray200

There is a validated scale - my audiologist used it before and after intervention.

Just out of interest what so wireless headphones do - play competing noise?

Ray200 profile image
Ray200 in reply to psycholady666

Yes. I now know there are many scales. All varying. What I had in mind was something constructed entirely by ourselves. The charts that are around would be the work of non suffering scientists, albeit with our input.

Wireless headphones are for me distraction therapy. There's something else to listen to other than tinnitus. I especially look forward to string quartet music from the classical stations at bedtime. The violin 'screech' and my tinnitus sounding much the same, but the former much preferred and the tinnitus doesn't get a look in.

psycholady666 profile image
psycholady666 in reply to Ray200


PABLR profile image

A good idea, but my breaks just come from being busy. Tinnitus is always there with three or four sounds battling it out, but as long as I keep busy I can ignore it for much of the time. It doesn't stop me sleeping, but on your scale I wouldn't know where I fit between one and three.

Ray200 profile image
Ray200 in reply to PABLR

Your input is just what is needed! We need to get together as sufferers to work out and tell 'them' how it it is. Not be told by them.

I searched on line for Tinnitus Scales. They are there. but again I say, is it a case where the health workers are telling us how it is?

Rossi50 profile image

I used to be 1 until earlier this year when my mum died 2 weeks later got flu which affected my hearing and now it's 24/7. Would say I'm around 3/4. I don't wear anything through the day but have a sleep mask for a night with white noise. Better when I'm busy but it's always there I just try my best not to react to it like all the advice given. Even though I feel I'm progressing in life after what happened and doing new things keeping busy thinking positive it's still there!! My brain obviously isn't agreeing!!

Ray200 profile image

I was at Level 3 yesterday, so it was time for my 3 x 30mg Ginkgo dose, which I did overnight. For me, dose day means a slightly higher intensity during it, and I'd rather that happening while I'm asleep. It does mean being up at 3am to take the middle one but I can rely on my 65 year old bladder to ensure that!

Kellythecat-74 profile image
Kellythecat-74 in reply to Ray200

Please be careful . Ginkgo Biloba is a natural blood thinner. Don't let it get too thin.

Ray200 profile image
Ray200 in reply to Kellythecat-74

Apologies for delay in answering, Kelly. Been away and found myself unable to get back in. Yes, it's a blood thinner, and I see recommended doses of 750mg each day, every day for Ginkgo. A whopping amount and caution needed there. With my 90mg every four or five days Ginkgo isn't going to be thinning anything!

Kellythecat-74 profile image
Kellythecat-74 in reply to Ray200

That’s good . Maybe I’ll give it another go with your way . I have to be careful as I am on blood thinners . It’s no joke ,taking my diabetic monitors tiny finger prick . And the blood pours down my arm onto the table . 😂

Georgie322 profile image
Georgie322 in reply to Ray200

I'm worried cuz apparently I can't treat my depression/anxiety, or osteoarthritis because whenever I take a painkiller or antidepressant, it brings on the tinnitus and I don't know when it will stop. So I don't take them for more than 1 or 2 days. This does not bode well for the future

Ray200 profile image
Ray200 in reply to Georgie322

All I can suggest is to keep following this site as I've seen similar regarding those medications. Perhaps doing a search here on whatever you are taking might bring up something

Kellythecat-74 profile image

for me , level 2/3 = day time . level 4 = sleeping

Not what you're looking for?

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