Hi everyone
Has anyone had tinnitus retraining therapy? If so would you mind telling me what it was about and your outcome
Thanks Shirley
Hi everyone
Has anyone had tinnitus retraining therapy? If so would you mind telling me what it was about and your outcome
Thanks Shirley
Hello and welcome to the British Tinnitus Association forum.
Do feel free to ask any questions, I hope that you find this a helpful and supportive place to help you manage your tinnitus.
We have some resources that you might like to check out in addition to our home here:
tinnitus.org.uk (information and support details)
takeontinnitus.co.uk (free tinnitus management programme)
Helpline 0800 018 0527 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm) (outside the UK you can call +44 (0)114 250 9922)
Kind regards
Hello peacocks. I had the cbt at the Royal Ent in London. It seemed to get me to Focus on the positive aspects in my life. It was easy for others to tell you just to ignore it and move on. TRT seems similar and get your brain to ignore it. I felt like poking the counsellor in the eye and telling her to ignore that!!