Hi, I'm new here and am looking forward to reading posts and sharing information on tinnitus. I found I had T. after a flight two years ago. It started as a loud humming in one ear then progressed to humming in one ear and low whistling in the other ear. I also get very dizzy. After many tests at the ENT hospital it was found that I also have Hyperacusis. I now wear white noise generators in both ears for up to eight hours a day. Some days are better than others, it depends how stressed I get. Being anxious only make the problem worse. The dizziness is quite bad at times, especially when the whistling in my right ear gets worse. This whistling sound is intermittent and is there, of and on, all the time. Thank you and hope you all have a good day.
Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and dizziness. - Tinnitus UK
Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and dizziness.

Hi,I have had tinnitus in both ears now for nearly 5 weeks.a week ago I think I might have hyperacasus now aswel because sounds like fans or central heating goes through my ears like a loud humming. I was told that the hyperacasus will fade but not very hopefull.have constant noise in the head, I think this is from all the worrying but it's hard to tell.
Hi Michael, I have found that Hyperacusis can be quite painful, although I don't seem to have it constantly, it depends on if I'm in a noisier environment. I feel that it might fade as time goes on, or you might adjust to it more. Tinnitus seems to change as well. I have found that worrying can make it worse, so learning to relax can help.
I think my problem is thinking about it to much.mines isn't painful just sounds seem different and some loud.i had alot of wax out 3 weeks ago and doctor seems to think that my auditory system has to get used to all the new sounds.
My therapist has airplane pilots and they said there's a lot of them to suffer from it.