Hi, I've had tinnitus constantly since 23.12.23 and hyperacusis. Was told yesterday that my HA bungalow is having new roof fitted soon and I have to stay in it whilst work is being done along with my 4 small dogs. I get migraine, usually/often weekly (on a Weds/Thurs) and am very unwell with Long Covid/mostly housebound. Was told yesterday it will be very, very loud. My dogs will have to pee and poop indoors for the days work is being done. They will be very upset at noise. I have contacted the Support and Wellbeing people at HA, very friendly but just said I need to 'not stress'. Had 2 hrs sleep last night worrying. I don't think I'm going to be able to tolerate the noise, lack of sleep etc and do not know what to do. I have very poor mental health too. Please could anyone advise? Sorry for long post. Thank you. I feel at my wits end!🥲
Tinnitus/Hyperacusis : Hi, I've had tinnitus... - Tinnitus UK

your doctor’s group of surgeries probably employs one or two Social Prescribers. They are not medical people but are accessible through your doc’s surgery and might be able to point you in the direction of help.
Have you tried dog fosters for a few days so the doggies don't suffer? Or maybe stay with family or friends? Not sure about your financial situation but some airbnb's allow pets. Do you have a community mental health nurse for your poor mental health? You can can contact them to for support. They might know places you can go for the day.
Thanks so much for your reply and ideas, I am very grateful. I have no family and my friends are 200 miles away. Have spoken to kennels who might be able to take them but no date from HA until the last minute. Have spoken to vet as 2 of my dogs have noise phobia so can get Pexion prescription for that so am considering that. I'm not under care of MH nurses etc but can access via phone (in emergency only) but trying to avoid it becoming an emergency lol. Been given a 4 to 8 week window for the work on mine, and surrounding bungalows to be done and, of that, 3 to 4 days of very, very loud noise on mine. I try to see the positive, ie roof over my head (of sorts!) but my stress is more because of my dogs' stress. Unfortunately, financial situation pretty dire in respect of hotels /kennels but am awaiting the support and wellbeing person from the HA to arrange to come and see me but so far, they've just said don't stress (that just makes me stress more). I suspect it's going to be 3 to 4 days of hell and am bracing myself for that!! Thank you 😊 and my very best wishes to you.
Why do you have to stay inside that's going to be loud why don't you go rent you a room and take your dog somewhere to motel where they let dogs stay and that way maybe somebody else could come there and make sure they do the work right or something yeah when I was building my house I was in and out but I couldn't stay in there