I had bloods taken last Wednesday and am just off the phone from the nurse for the results. I am on 60 or 70 t3 a day at bedtime depending on how I feel. 70 takes the palpitations away and l feel not too bad although there is still something missing and stopping me from being 100%.
The results were
TSH 0.01 (0.4-4.0)
FT4 3.2 (12-22)
FT3 3.7 don't know but think it is about 3.5ish to 6.8
I know that my t4 is low because of taking the t3. I just hope that the doctor doesn't think my tsh is too low but he probably will. I also thought that my t3 would have been a lot higher. although l didn't take it the night before the blood test which was done at 11.30am.
The nurse did say with a wee laugh that the doctor did want to see me to sort me out. I wonder what she meant by that? Will he be justified in lowering my t3 because of my tsh.
Many thanks in advance.
Jo xx