I have received an email from Liz Glenister at hpth.org saying that members details have been hacked and leaked, and that we should change email address and bank account password. I would like to know if this is genuine and assume someone from admin. will know.
Anyone else received a security alert saying th... - Thyroid UK
Anyone else received a security alert saying that list of members has been hacked?
Hi Caryl - no I haven't received this email, but I have alerted the other Admins and have contacted Health Unlocked who run the forum to check.
Thanks for alerting us - hopefully it is a hoax.
Clare xx
Thanks Claire, I hope so too. If you would like me to forward the email to Health Unlocked just let me know their email address . Regards Caryl
Hi CARYL, thanks for the heads up on this. Definitely sounds very fishy as we are not having any issues in terms of the security of our users, which I assure you is our highest priority.
I can't imagine how a bank account would have anything to do with HU?
I'd appreciate very much if you could forward that email to communities@healthunlocked.com
Very many thanks,
Lora Schellenberg
HealthUnlocked Community Manager

Thank you
Thanks - will let you know when they respond. x
Sounds like somebody after your personal details,. lots of it about. MFx
'phishing' emails - I got some years ago and reported them to the bank (some weren't even my bank!) - nothing to do with HU 'tho J
Perhaps Liz Glenister is referring to her site htpa.org? That would explain the mention of bank details perhaps.
I have forwarded it to Health Unlocked. It looks very convincing and unlike any other scam I have received. Who ever sent it must know that my medical details are stored on the site - it will be interesting to see if I am the only member to receive it!!

hpth.org appears to be a domain name / web address of HypoPARAthyroidism Association ( hypopara.org )
There is no connection between hpth.org and this Thyroid UK support site on HealthUnlocked.
I haven't registered my bank details with them - it was that comment that made me suspicious.
htpa.org web site has been down for 1/2 the day. That might be why. I was trying to find out about calcitonin and Armour
Just want to confirm that this in fact has nothing to do with HealthUnlocked - it was an email from Liz the director of HPTH UK explaining that very unfortunately their confidential member registration list had been hacked and posted online.
We are very sorry this has happened to HPTH UK. Again, we would like to assure you all that extra precautions and security are in place on HealthUnlocked to ensure that all of our users are protected.
Many thanks,
Lora S.

Why would someone want to hack into their site and post member details? There are some very mean people out there.
Many apologies for any trouble I have caused by assuming the email was from this site. I was not aware that I had joined any other thyroid related group - oh dear - brain fog again!
not to worry - easy mistake - we would rather know than not know!
(Anyone can report things using the Feedback button or contact an admin)
I got this email today and I am a member of hypoparathyroidism.org. I have the same user name on there as I do on here. I have hypoparathyroidism due to botched thyroid surgery and I am rather ticked off about it so, between that and the petition, I think I am starting to get a little rattled. Why would a small site for an relatively obscure disease be hacked for medical details and posted online? Something stinks
It certainly seems strange and why should it cause problems with our bank account? Many thanks for letting me know that I am not the only one to receive it.
Hi CARYL I think they are worried our email addresses would lead to online bank accounts, which I don't have thankfully.