Just read a reply to someone and am utterly gobsmacked - either I'm stoopid or I'm going that way. I didn't realise that low thyroxine levels if undermedicated can give you anxiety! Anxiety is the thing that has reduced my quality of life, along with the exhaustion, to zilch. It is only since accessing this website that my state of health has begun to allow me to live a bit - since I got enough info and support to self-medicate on NDT.
I'm still learning, and it's so blasted slow and painful doing so since 2007 when, after being mercilessly bullied at work my until-then stable health (on 125mcg Levo for the previous 30 years) absolutely collapsed with 'ME/CFS, '. Basket case, according to the medical establishment. After a long, arduous and expensive journey that has taken all of our meager savings, I am now confident enough to say sod them, I'm going it alone. I'm getting there, though it's been a long and terrible journey,
After spending every last penny with the Poirot of the field (so I have read) and having had a taste for a few months of life, wonderful life on Armour, the money ran out and so did the scripts. And so did the health, although at the time the dosh ran dry I had moved into over-medication, on 125mcg Levo and 2 grains of Armour, with the classic symptoms of hyper - shaking, palpitations, racing heart, sleeplessness ... but no bl**dy weightloss, mind! This frightened the bejabers out of the GP and the 'alternative' guys lost a lot of credibility in her eyes.
Finally found an endo who has prescribed Armour once on private prescription, but can only see him on the NHS, and since last October, when he said he would approach the medical bosses to see if he could prescribe it for me on the NHS - I haven't heard a thing! So . . . .
Sourced my own NDT from a recommended site and have built up to 2 grains so far. And only realised a few days ago from the advice here that I needed to split the dose because of the T3 content - started that protocol a few days ago AND THE ARRYTHMIAS HAVE STOPPED (but not the heart, evidently) - no heart flutters, no pains in chest!
Now, I have just read one of the brilliants on here saying that anxiety happens to her when she is hypo. My god, who'd've known! Maybe I've always been a bit hypo - putting weight on easily, always cold, but anxious, anxious, anxious all my life. Labelled , I've put it all down to a desperate childhood giving rise to a neurotic adult - but maybe, just maybe it's not all in my head - there is something else contributing to the hindrance of my living my life to the best of my ability. I've worked on the head stuff through many years of therapy, to such an extent that not only am I well sussed, but I now am studying it! But I've always found it so tiresome, in every way, to keep looking into my psyche for the answers to the constant, low-grade-to-gnawing-anxiety, Can this be the next to the last piece of the puzzle, along with being fat, no matter what the hell I eat or don't?
My god, if this is the case, what a bloody Masters I'm going to write!