Hello, this is my first post.... I hope someone can help. I've been a hypo patient for the past 18 years. Last year my symptoms started becoming heavier so it was decided to up my thyroid meds. 8 months later and I'm hyper.... So over medicated...... But.... Instead of loosing weight, being overly active etc.... I've gained weight and my energy level is at a all time low. I am 46 but a very active, physically fit woman (for my age). I've gained 20 lbs in the pAst year even though I exercise regularly (3-5 times a week) and eat "normally". (Normally means for me, watching what I eat, but also indulging in a pizza and a glass of wine on the weekend).
Anyway, I've had my blood checked for sugar, vitamin D, B12 and diabetes. My T4 is slightly high and my TSH is too low but that will soon change because I'm taking less meds. What else can I do or have checked to find out what's wrong with me? I am sooooo tired of. Being tired! And I'm exercising everyday almost and I can't loose any weight! Please..... Any advice is welcome!