I have Hashis, and have had part of Thyroid removed, although on levothyroxine and back and forth to Endo, I haven't felt well for years, last summer had surgery to remove part of thyroid, and parathyroids and although helped with Bad Insomnia,I still have symptoms of Fatigue,poor sleep,anxiety and more recently pulsating Thyroid. I Have also gradually noticed that my face looks swollen and under my chin, especially when comparing to past photos! i look like i have a double chin!
I always thought I wasn't on the right treatment but keep hitting brick walls with GP and Endos and was basically told they could do no more and it was anxiety and depression related after surgery last year so have just got on with it.
But I feel increasingly worse and have been off work and then resigned and been on sick benefits for year and I just want to be normal and go back to work!!
Please can anyone help me, I had a thyroid test a few weeks ago GP said norm, am waiting for a print out of results, in meantime, has anyone been in similar situation, with same symptoms? that can help?