I have been on armour for 3 weeks nearly I started on a low dose due to low cortisol on the ct3m I started on half a grain split in two, then half in the morning and a 1/4 afternoon then yesterday added a quarter at 11am and felt fine. Last night I woke up early hours with discomfort in chest and feeling very anxious. I haven't taken any armour today, I
Last night made me feel quite nervous. Now I don't know what to do, go back to levo and maybe repair adrenals another way or give armour more of a chance but maybe go back down to start dose. I feel silly saying this but with it being pancake day I had some pancakes and was surprised stomach seemed fine but when I woke in the night I did have a few burps lol and the chest discomfort did improve SO was it the pancakes ridiculous I know but I don't know what to do xx