Hi All,
I have been on a decreased dose of Armour + levo about 7 weeks, my results were:
Ft4 = 44%
Ft3 = 73%
This was on 2.5 grains of Armour and 15.6 mcg t4 (alternating 12.5/18.75 mcg).
Finally on this dose started to sleep, didn't feel so hot anymore. However, after about 5-6 weeks I did start to feel exhausted and dizzy.
My hunch was to increase Levo slightly, which I did, to 18.75 mcg everyday (I react to small increase right now as I'm fine tuning this dose).
Initially was okay, but after about 9 days I have become unbelievably irritated, angry, depressed, teary and tired. Also started to have trouble sleeping, but not very hot yet.
As a trial, on day 10, removed a bit of t4 and added a tiny bit of Armour and anger has eased, but feel dizzy, tired, hypo, and increasingly hot.
Does anyone feel irritated on adding t4? Still can't decide if I need to keep adding Levo and decrease Armour when feeling irritated etc or get rid of Levo completely.