does taking omeprazole affect thyroxine i nee... - Thyroid UK

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does taking omeprazole affect thyroxine i need to take 1 twice a day on empty stomach initally then reduce to 1 a dayafter 2 months

71jls profile image
22 Replies
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22 Replies
helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

Yes - omeprazole and all other proton pump inhibitors can affect the dose of levothyroxine required. It is difficult to say by how much as the experiments are always done on healthy volunteers for short periods, rather than ill people over much longer. In one such experiment they found 37% more levothyroxine was required.

As a similar effect occurs when taking H2-receptor antagonists like Zantac (ranitidine) it is speculated that the reduced stomach acidity causes the reduced absorption.

These are likely also to affect your ability to absorb other things - most especially vitamin B12. Have you been tested for B12?

Why have you been prescribed omeprazole?

editfmrt profile image
editfmrt in reply to helvella

So true Helvella - this subject makes me want to shout from the rooftops:


harperline profile image
harperline in reply to helvella

I have to take Omeprazole to prevent problems with anti-inflammatory naproxen for Rheum.Arthritis .

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to harperline

I understand that - and unfortunately I do not have any knowledge to suggest what else you could do.

However, do make sure that your vitamin B12 level is tested and, if necessary, you do what is needed to maintain a healthy level.

harperline profile image
harperline in reply to helvella

I have to take Omeprazole to reduce side effects of Naproxen which i've been pescribed for a flare up of Rheumatoid Arthritis, I am also on Methotrexate for this and take folic acid most days.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to harperline

Trouble with folate supplementation (good that you are addressing that) is that folate can mask the known blood effects of low B12 - big red blood cells.

Please make extra sure you have been tested for B12, you know the results, and action is taken if it is anywhere near the lower end of the range. Possibly if it is below halfway down.

71jls profile image



in reply to 71jls


Just a couple of pointers -

When used online, capital letters are generally considered to be shouting.

If you wish to reply to someone in particular, you need to click on 'reply to this', otherwise they will not get an email letting them know that you have responded.

I think you may have needed a fullstop in your comment to slightly change the way it came across - added for you. :-)



Holly1313 profile image
Holly1313 in reply to

71jls wanted advice NOT a lecture ☹

editfmrt profile image

Helvella has given good advice - if you really want to know about the full effects I would highly recommend this research report from Medscape - you need to persevere through each section by clicking next at the bottom of each section. You may have to register to get access but it is free:

To find out more from this site just type 'proton pump inhibitor' in the search box and all is revealed. A search in google for proton pump inhibitors + thyroid is revealing too.

Doctors in this country are ignoring all the evidence including warnings issued by our own MHRA. I believe the problem is due to the fact that proton pump inhibitors are quick fix for acid reflux so this equals happy but ill informed patient. They are being issued too freely because of this. They also cause a re-bound effect when stopped do the acid is much worse - then doctors gleefully say there you are I told you that you needed these! The longer they are taken the worse the effect.

I would not touch any proton pump inhibitors because of the potential devastating effects even if they were taken away from thyroid meds. Instead I would use natural remedies - there are plenty to try until you find one that works for you. These include Aloe Vera juice, organic apple cider vinegar but there are many more. In addition poorly managed thyroid can cause GERD because the digestion is impaired so optimising thyroid could clear up the symptoms alone.

You may gather I feel very strongly about this - I believe this is one of the major causes for my sisters malabsobtion of vitamins and minerals B12, vitamin D and ferritin and poor uptake of thyroid meds. All these contribute to a vicious cycle of symptoms which is very difficult to isolate and treat once you get in a merry go round.

galathea profile image

Please ask how the proton pump inhibitors are supposed to stop acid reflux. They don't stop it, they only prevent you making any acid. And thus prevent. you absorbing and digesting food. The food then goes into your intestine undigested, where it rots. .. Lovely.....

Acid reflux only happens when there isn't enough acid... The flap at the top of the stomach cannot open where there is enough.. Have a look at this link and consider getting some betaine hcl, or. even digestion aid from boots. In the alternative section, which contains betaine hlc. ........

Time for a re think!

editfmrt profile image
editfmrt in reply to galathea

So true Galathea - I hope everyone on this site that are taking PPI or acid supressants like ranitidine and have absorption problems (giving rise to deficiencies or imparing uptake of thyroid meds) reads the info given in these posts.

Not to be missed is the effect of undigested food in the intestine and the lack of acid being a cause of bacterial overload syndrome - acid is vital for keeping unwanted bacteria under control, so its logical that stopping or suppressing acid is likely to have adverse consequences.

71jls I implore you to listen to the good advice above. I learned this to my great cost only recently. I was on them for over two years for GERD which was, as galathea said, lack of acid, not too much. I ended up severely B12 deficient with horrible dizziness, memory problems and nerve pain. They should come with a skulll and cross bones on the packet.

PoppyRose profile image

My GP says it's safe despite me telling him that I have read contrary.

I have no faith in how they have advised me though. (ongoing).

I was fortunate to be in a position to be able to wean myself off the Diclofenac (pain relief) quickly, so do not need Omeprazole any more.

editfmrt profile image
editfmrt in reply to PoppyRose

Thank goodness you dont have to worry about that one then. Good for you getting yourself off the pain killers.

And that's the very worrying thing about the range of medication that GPs prescribe like smarties. I am dumbfounded at the blasé way they choose to ignore warnings and contraindications or don't keep up to date with the research. Some of this stuff is reported via NICE, the MHRA and even in their own medical journals. And yet they are so quick to use scare tactics on thyroid patients about the possible side effects of thyroid medication. They are lost without their prescription pads but have little idea of the damage they cause with over use and inappropriate prescribing. My mothers symptoms of stomach cancer were masked because they were so quick to repeatedly prescribe Omaprozol - quick and easy to shut up the patient and not investigate properly. When found it was advanced and inoperable.

My sisters GP too refuses to accept any of the cocktail of drugs she is prescribing can have any bearing on her health and yet I have had it confirmed by several NHS endochronologists that omaprozol (amongst other medications) has had an adverse effect. They just tell me verbally but won't put it in writing because they are protecting their colleagues from legal action.

I used to dismiss what I thought were ramblings of those that shout about big pharma and doctors killing us with prescription drugs - now I know better.

PoppyRose profile image
PoppyRose in reply to editfmrt

All just VERY frustrating to me!! I'm just thinking 'it's MY health their messing up here'!!

Well they have suggested, counselling, anti depression tabs, reading about anxiety - self help .... all sorts but just won't try to up my dose, even to prove me wrong!! So how much extra will all that cost? Waiting lists? Resolution?

I've ranted about all this somewhere else on this site so I'll stop there! LOL!

Regarding your family: I have managed to get my mother off several bits of medication as they just kept prescribing... we try to prevent NOT just treat!

Just read the link below - makes you so cross.

editfmrt profile image

Another nice clear explanation:

PoppyRose profile image

See this Question on my profile too.

"Taking Omeprazole & Calcium with Thyroxine (Levo 50mg) Have read these are inhibitors to absorption. Doctors appointment today."

Triciatextiles profile image

I was on omeprazole for a number of years - it was only when I was diagnosed with Hypo put on levo which was slowing increased, that all my symptoms disapeared! - in my view taking this medication can mean its masking the real cause of the problem which should be sorted by your GP.

skyfall profile image

I have a classic...autoimmune thyroiditis and autoimmune disease vs stomach parietal cells in my stomach. GENIUS (and Louise...that is shouting!) prescribed Opremazole which has a) knocked my thyroid sideways and b) suppressed acid production that is also caused by my autoimmune response to stomach parietal cells..hence NOT ENOUGH stomach acid...massive weight loss.

My thoughts opremazole prescribed in error to treat symptoms not cause.

Ask your GP for clarification. Mine patted me on the head and prescribed anti-drepressants. Changed surgery now have proper GP.

It's a minefield out there.

71jls profile image
71jls in reply to skyfall

thanks for your reply IT is a minefield out there and thats SHOUTING

daniel365 profile image

I have been prescribe omeprezol it have been awful and my go has been useless. But I have mild Barrett's so not sure what to do

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