3 months ago my tsh was o.08 and I was asked to do a repeat test after 12 weeks.I've just spoken to my GP today and he said that my tsh was 4.8 therefor within range so they haven't done a T3 or T4 test. I take 200mg of levothyroxine daily but still feel rubbish. I don't understand how my tsh can change so much in 3 months when I'm taking the same medication. I've had this condition for 20yrs should it be so unstable?
tsh changes in result but no change in medication. - Thyroid UK
tsh changes in result but no change in medication.

Have you switched brand?
Have you changed when you take the thyroxine?
Have you changed any other medicines or supplements you take, or made significant changes to your diet?
If the t4 is no longer converting to T3, your cells will be short of T3 and you will be hypothyroid, hence the raised TSH telling your thyroid to make more hormones.
The T4/ T3 conversion sometimes fails after a period of years but I can't remember why. Suggest you seach the website and google it....
Have you always taken selenium to help with conversion and Vit C to help adrenals?

no Nel, I don't take selenium or vit C. Do you think I should go back to the GP?
Try taking the thyroxine at bedtime as reseach has shown that this is the best time for most effect.
The same thing has just happened to me my TSH was just the same as yours 0.08 and has now gone up to nearly 2 after 3 months. The lab range on my tests results is 0.03 - 3.5 so I am still in range but a result of 4.8 would be out. Check out your labs reference range either ask at reception or get a printout. Also did you take your meds before the blood test? as I understand this can make a difference, there is info about this on these pages.
thanks Sheila, the lab say it is in range as it is under 5, but I've gotloads of hypo symptoms, not surewhat to do as the docs are reluctant to do anything if you are within the range, just doesn't stop me from feeling awful
ok some follow up. Returned to GP today, he said that as my tsh of 4.8 was within range they would not test my T3 or T4. I asked why, if they previously suspected that I was being over medicated and the only thing that I'd changed was taking my meds before food and drink, which should improve the absorption therefor leaning towards an even lower tsh, I should get a result of 4.8 suggesting a move to hypothyroid. He offered no explanation but said that as my tsh was within range it could not be my thyroids that were responsible for my massive and continual weight gain. He also suggested that even though I thought I ate a healthy diet , I probably didn't and has suggested I see a dietician! I think he also doubted my degree of exercise, I went on to ask how to best deal with my shin splints (caused by excessive exercise!!!!) he told me he would normally suggest rest and obviously the weight I was carrying wasn't helping ! (You don't say) . On the poitive (even though according to my GP it is not at all linked to thyroids) I am waiting to see a dietician and a dermatologist. His closing line "You've got quite a few things that are difficult to treat"..... marvellous.!
Your doctor is clearly not updating his knowlege. Suggest he starts by looking on the internet. A TSH of more than 4 is dangerous as it puts you at risk of heart problems. see the press release issued by the society of endocrinolgists..... in fact give your doctor a copy.... endocrinology.org/press/pre....
Also search out research which says that testing fot thyroid problems using TSH alone is not acceptable...... there are plenty of references to this.... main one I think was by Proff Anthony Toft, but I may be wrong.....
Wow Nelly, that was interesting reading! I just need the confidence to go back and speak to the GP. I ended up getting a little tearful last time as I feel like I'm up against a brick wall, then I start to think that it's me imagining I don't feel well and that actually everbody feels like I do (especially when the Gp says it can be in no way attributed to my thyroid condition). The trouble is I live in a small town and don't want to "cause trouble" by "trying to tell the doctors their job!". Thanks for the info though because the more knowledge I have the better position I am in to take care of my health. I will probably wait for a few weeks and if I still feel rubbish go back and poss ask for another blood test, if it's further out they may take some action ??!!
Hi Jenny - my heart definitely goes out to you - I asked a question about weight gain on here a while ago and had several very good answers . I have had under active for 12 years and always the same results but I have gone worse for sure and am awaiting results, so get that armour on and back to the GP and tell him how you feel, its not nice feeling under the weather and low as a thyroid problem gives you all these symptoms. Keep me updated hope you feel better soon. It is not all text book as doctors like to think.