I came across an interesting article on thyroid cancer and radioactive iodine....here's the link naturalnews.com then search for thyroid cancer and radioactive iodine..........quite an eye opener!
radioactive iodine: I came across an interesting... - Thyroid UK
radioactive iodine

I refused radioniodine because I had parotid gland dysfunction, although I was told it was unlikely it would affect my saliva, but after discussion with the consultant it was admitted, so now my multi nodolar goitres are being monitored yearly as an operation is risky, I had previous surgery for a cyst on the thyroid, this was called incomplete 20 years ago. I dont like the idea of radioation, so I will wait and see if it grows.
Best wishes Helen
If this is the one you refer to naturalnews.com/030125_thyr... It appears to be more than a little unscentific and emotive. Whilst it may have some basis in truth any article which refers to patients as "walking dirty bombs" is unlikely to have been peer reviewed or written without a bias.
There's another interesting article by Mary Shomon(About.com) about the radioactive iodine debate.......worth having a look at.
I was sent out into the world five days after receiving radioactive iodine 'therapy'. I was advised to avoid pregnant women and small children. I voiced my concern regarding the effects it might have on my cats, only to be told with a laugh that I didn't need to worry about them. On collapsing in a heap on the sofa when I got home, I awoke an hour or so later to find my tabby cat curled up against my abdomen. I shoed her away, worried about the effects she might have been exposed to. Next day she was ill, staggering around, not eating. A year or so later she died (aged 6 & 1/2) and was diagnosed with widespread organ failure. Her innards had the appearance of a much older cat according to the vet treating her. They also showed signs of major trauma (she'd never had an accident of any sort).
The attitude towards radiated patients and those who come into contact with them seems blatantly cavalier to me. I guess it saved my life, but I've never felt well since and lost a beloved pet into the bargain.
Hi Andie....I'm really sorry to hear about your cat and the fact that you havn't felt well since. I did wonder whether to post the article in the first place but unless people are aware of things like this how can they make informed decisions.
Hey DT, no worries on that score. I think you're right to post such articles. The whole point of this site after all is to inform ourselves. Even if I'd been armed with more infomation at the time, I don't know what else I could have done as I had cancer. Although my health never quite recovered after the treatment, I have improved recently by switching from T4 to T3 which I obtained over the internet. I'm off to the local hospital tomorrow to attempt to get some T 3 on prescription. Wish me luck !!