From Mary Shomon, your Guide to Thyroid Disease
Dear Readers, Vitamin D's a hot topic, and this week, we have some thoughts on the Vitamin D/thyroid connection from thyroid expert, Richard Shames, MD. Also, winding up Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month with a look back at the month's most popular thyroid and commented on thyroid cancer-related article here at the site. Finally, the new film "The Social Network" is premiering, and so I thought I'd mark the occasion by linking to my coverage of how thyroid patients are using social networks like Facebook and Twitter to connect, be empowered, and explore options and alternatives. Live well, Mary
Why is Vitamin D So Important to Thyroid Patients?
You probably have been hearing more in the news lately about Vitamin D, and why experts are starting to recommend that we get more of this important vitamin. In particular, testing for and supplementing with Vitamin D have been increasingly recommended for thyroid, autoimmune and obesity patients. But what's the thinking behind these recommendations? I had a chance to have a brief Q&A with Richard Shames, MD -- who is a practicing physician, author of a number of popular books on thyroid disease, and a thyroid coach -- on the topic of why he considers Vitamin D so crucial for thyroid patients.
Soy Milk Drinkers Launching Class Action Thyroid Lawsuit
If you think soy or iodine are always healthy -- or benign -- foods and supplements, think again. There's a major, multi-million dollar class action lawsuit starting up against a maker of soy milk, due to iodine levels in the milk and resulting thyroid problems.
Soy and the Thyroid: A Look at the Controversy
The Iodine Controversy: Too Much vs. Not Enough, and What It Does
The Connection Between Low Thyroid and Heart Failure
Does even mild hypothyroidism or a slightly low thyroid -- a condition known as "subclinical hypothyroidism" -- put you at greater risk for heart failure? Cardiologist and Heart Disease Guide, Rich Fogoros, MD, takes a look at some new research just out that is suggesting that even mild hypothyroidism may be a key cause of this particular heart condition.
Low Thyroid Increases Heart Risk
Should Doctors Treat Subclinical Hypothyroidism to Help Prevent Heart Disease?
Mitral Valve Prolapse and Thyroid Disease
So, IS Thyroid Cancer the "Good Cancer?"
The "good" thing about September being Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month is that it gets us all talking more about this overlooked but on the rise cancer. So wrapping up Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month, I wanted to repost the link to what was one of the month's most popular articles at the site, which asked, "Is Thyroid Cancer the 'Good Cancer?'" We had many comments from thyroid cancer patients themselves, as well as their friends and family, and more than 500 people also took the Is Thyroid Cancer the Good Cancer Poll, sharing their thoughts and opinions.
Thyroid Cancer Survivor's Association Conference October 15-17, 2010
Richard Shames, MD: These days people are using sunblocks, and staying inside at their computers much more frequently. Therefore we are getting less Vitamin D from the sun. In addition, multivitamins typically have about 400 IU of Vitamin D, which was the RDA standard from research done in the 1940s and 1950s. Today, this research is being questioned, with many researchers now recommending a minimum of 1000-2000 IU daily, an amount that exceeds most multivitamins. In the case above, for example, my patient needed 4000 IU daily to achieve her good results.