Since I joined this site I have learned so much about the endocrine system of the body and the varying conditions that can affect it.
Well this might be blindingly obvious to many of you but I have just read a long article by Dr Peatfield on Thyoid and adrenals and it was like a religious revelation!!
I've said in my first blog a little of the stresses of the last 2 years. What I didn't write is that that stress has gone on for over 20 years via a series of events I won't bore you with...but that has left me on occasions reeling with stress, strugglingbto get up and go on day after day, for 20 yrs.
As I said I was suspended in Oct 2008by a vicious woman Headteacher who didn't like my health record, which by my inn admissions wasn't brilliant, so she manufactured false allegations which I was letter cleared of, but sacked anyway. That gave me the final stresses that have now
Pushed me to total collapse...but bow reading Dr Peatfields article I am glad, I am relieved!,! I say that because her being nasty and pushing me to breakdown has pushed mr to find answers and will give me a new phase of life.
I will see the Endo in 2 weeks and see what he says. I have arranged to not see the one with the poor attitude I saw last time, and will see what rhe results say.
An iPad is a VERY useful thing cos I will have iyt in my bag with the article bookmarked to discuss if given a chance. Luckily I was given a full thyroid screen and adrenals too...come to Winchester we seem to have sensible Drs.....and I have the reference ranges to consult.
Worst ways if the Endo is an absolute................( fill in your expletive of choice)using Dr Peatfield article I stand a good chance of a) being able to have a fruitful discussion with him, my GP or another Dr. b) being to self medicate at and set up a heathy routine.
I don't think I'd ever thought about my adrenals till last week!! I knew about fight or flight and all that.but no knowledge of their over all metabolic effect. The one thing I am CERTAIN Of my metabolism is f**********d hope that's acceptable it conveys my strength of feeling!! It was never brill to start with but the last 20 yrs have been one event after another, like a bad novel or a script from East Enders...and I could feel myself struggling more and more to cope. I used too much alcohol for a long time..not 14 units a week for sure but had enough no use to stop drinking at the end of 2007 I am so glad I did that as it is a depressant and any drink would make my current situation a hundred times worse.
I know if I am hypo is is fairly mildly compared to many, but reading this article I am guessing ESP from my sleep pattern my adrenals are involved.
Donna I am guessing you will read this so I look fwd to hearing from you today, and to hearing from anyone with a similar profile.
Can't we make Dr Peatfield Prime Minister or at least in charge of the NHS??