Hi Everyone!
I went to an NHS Health Show in Eastbourne last week. Eastbourne is so pretty! There were lots of other tables there - British Heart Foundation, Fibromyalgia, Stop Smoking, Massage Therapies etc.
I gave a talk on the Friday afternoon and one of the organisers told me that my talk had the most people listening! Our table was really busy after my talk!
The most common factor we found was that people are taking their levothyroxine with their breakfast - a no, no!! It can make the difference between having some remaining symptoms and not having remaining symptoms.
The people with fibromyalgia were very surprised to see that thyroid symptoms are the same as the symptoms for fibromyalgia so I think we will find a lot of people with fibromyalgia will be looking at our website!
I'm off tomorrow to give a talk in Basildon for people with learning difficulties so have to go now to get on with some specialized handouts!
See you soon! Lyn