last november i put in repeat prescription for my usual 25's and 50's Levo .... (prescription has been same for 4 years and until now just runs like clockwork)
some jobsworth at the GP's decided i didn't need any 25's yet and only issued prescription for 50's
so i collected them from chemist , and went to sort out the issue of the refused 25's via GP reception... sorted .. no problem .. GP issued another prescription for the whole lot ... 50's and 25's .. which i also collected ... so i then had 4 months worth of 50's .... are you keeping up ?
so 4 months later , when i next request a repeat for both ...i get a txt saying " Dear miss tattybogle , your recent request for levotyrozine shows a gap since it's last issue Please contact the surgery to confirm the current dose you are taking and why the gap in issue. Many thanks, MMT "
. so i do as requested .... (and manage to resist the urge to point out that the F*kwit trying to fiddle around with my previously 'clockwork' levothyroxine prescription repeats can't even spell levothyroxine , and since their bean counters had evidently been paying such close attention to my prescription records the reason for the gap should have been blindingly obvious )
sorted , and a prescription for both duly appears at chemist .
so .....(trying to avoid extra hassle for the chemist who are usually brilliant but occasionally don't notice their own note to "please avoid Teva for tattybogle " ).... i go to counter...
(me) "hi , if it's not been bagged up yet, please remind them to avoid Teva, there's a note on your system but it sometimes get's overlooked , thanks"
(assistant ) " yes i can see that on the system , don't worry about that ,no it's not been filled yet ~ i'll get someone to do it "
.... so , a few minutes later they re-appear and give me bag .........of Teva .
(me ) ...... more or less speechless..... " um .... sorry to be a pain , but ..... "
i do wonder what they do with the unopened packets of teva that they exchange ?
do they try and peel the stickers off , or just put a new sticker over the top for the next person.. or... (given the loss of brain cell's that is becoming apparent round here ) perhaps they just throw them away ?