Levothyroxine dose - 75mcg
Latest NHS blood results from 25th Feb '25 - taken at 11.15 am (because you don't get any choice of time at my GP surgery!)
Serum TSH - 3.357 mU/L (range= 0.570 to 3.600) 92% through range
Serum free T4 - 11.0 pmol/L (range= 7.9 to 14.0) 51% through range
Serum free T3 - 4.5 pmol/L (range = 3.1 to 6.8) 38% through range
These were my most recent results. Nine days ago, I attended an appointment with a GP (who I'd never seen before) and she outright refused to increase my dosage despite me telling her thelist of underactive thyroid symptoms that I was experiencing and quoting NICE guidelines, (Levothyroxine at 1.6 mcg per kilo of weight and since I am 63 kilos that would be 100mcg) and asking (politely) to trial an increased dose of levothyroxine. She refused to believe the symptoms were caused by the thyroid and eventually said she'd email their endo support but that he'd say the same as her and there was no way he'd increase the dose. After I left she then wrote a stinky report in my notes about the consultation calling it 'difficult' and misrepresenting what I'd said - 3 times claiming that I'd complained about how I'd been diagnosed, monitored and managed by the practice, which I hadn't done, and it left me worrying that I was going to be seen by the practice as a difficult troublemaker.
This forum then gave me lots of helpful advice and support, thanks!
A few days ago, I got an extremely (overly) nice phone call from a receptionist to arrange a follow-up appointment. (Something you never normally get at this practice). Luckily, I couldn't do the day that the first GP was asking for, so was assigned a phone appointment with another GP who was also a total stranger to me.
I've been really anxious about this phone call, certain that the endo (as predicted by the 1st GP) would say 'no'. I read up all the links you sent me, got my maths/physics husband to work out where each result was percentage-wise in the range. Sat getting really nervy, waiting for the phone call feeling helpless and close to tears and hoping that in my anxiety I wouldn't come across as aggressive or difficult when they inevitably told me that they wouldn't increase the dosage.
And then the first words the GP said were, 'The endocrinologist agrees with you and thinks your medication should be increased.' It felt like a miracle!
Anyway, it'll be an extra 25 mcg on alternate days, which I'm happy with to see if it helps, and the fact that they have been willing to try upping my dose leaves the door open (I hope) to them feeling comfortable about adjusting it in the future should the need arise.
She was so nice and chatty that I also addressed the fact that I was unhappy about the remarks made in my notes from the last consultation. She, of course, praised her young colleague, but said it might have been a bad day and that she would try to rectify the impression left by reporting in her own notes that I hadn't complained about my care and wasn't unhappy with the practice. (It appeared that she hadn't even read her colleague's remarks). She asked if I wanted her to speak to the previous doctor. I kind of hope she doesn't, because that will get into her word against mine and who wouldn't spin things to make it look like the patient was being awkward and not her!
Anyway, this is a happy outcome and I'm very relieved and I want to thank you all for your help over the past fortnight. I've learned loads and due to all your information, I am now starting on the vitamin supplementation journey too to optimise how my thyroid and T3 conversion etc works.
Thanks! Huffalump