hi my name is shazza I’ve recently been diagnosed with graves disease struggling with this a bit with mental health issues like sensory stuff
graves: hi my name is shazza I’ve recently been... - Thyroid UK

Welcome to the forum Bananamilk1234
So we can offer better advice, can you tell us more about your thyroid condition, eg when you were diagnosed, ongoing symptoms, current medication & dosage, plus blood test results (with ranges in brackets) for:
Plus any antibody and key vitamin tests (ferritin, folate, vitamins D and B12)
If your GP is unable to complete all the above (eg if TSH is within range, some surgeries may not be able to access FT4 and FT3 tests), you could look to do this privately, as many forum members do, for a better picture of your thyroid health:
I’m on carbizamol 80 mgs an propanol 120 mgs a day
I started feeling unwell with shaking fast heart rate burning skin not sleeping an being hyper it then became my hands uncontrollably shaking went to dr heart rate was 120 beats a minute for blood test done confirmed thyroid high 59 when meant to be between 12 an 24 was monitored for 3 weeks then got antibody test done which my pg confirmed was high they spoke to end to at my hospital an said it was graves but I’m waiting on list to be seen at hospital was then put on the meds I stated earlier

Information on Antibody tests:
Graves Disease (hyperthyroidism) needs to be confirmed via positive TRab or TSI:
TSH receptor antibodies
Thyroid-Stimulating Immunoglobulin
TPO & TG antibodies may be Graves or Hashimotos.
Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies
Thyroglobulin antibodies
….have you had TRab or TSI tested to confirm Graves?
hi buddy yes been confirmed my antibody test was really high my thyroid was sitting at 59 meant to be between 12 an 22
Just double checking…Was FT4 59 (12-22)?
TSH level?
FT3 ?
Which antibody test did you have?
How long have you been taking the medication?
When will levels be retested ?
What sensory issues are you affected with?
Levels to be retested in 4 weeks I’m not sure of the exact testing just what I’ve stated I’m having issues with things being very heightened I suffer from anxiety and ocd an it’s got really bad I imagine stuff crawling on me looking at certain things textures etc give me an uneasy feeling it’s hard to explain dr thinks it’s just the thyroid an will hopefully get easier when meds are working I hope so driving me crazy

Increased anxiety has been the worst symptom of having a thyroid condition for me and it is always worse if thyroid medication or key vitamins (ferritin, folate, vitamins B12 and D) are not optimal.
Hang in there Bananamilk1234, things will get better! Do keep posting and asking questions…. Members are here to help and support 🦋
Thank you
I was the same as you when first diaganosed. Now 10 years on I’m still on carbimazole 7.5mg a day but feel normal again now. You will get back to normal, but it will take time. Took 3 years to learn how to keep my thyroid balanaced. Aim for tsh 1.2. Basically don’t over shoot a tsh of 2 in my experience (makes you feel like shit) and keep above tsh o.6. Keep a record of all your readings as it can take a month to change following a medication change. Stay in there. The anxiety will come down but may take a month or so.
Hello BananaMilk/ Shazza and welcome to the forum :
I'm presuming the doctor has signed you off - if you are working - and you need to rest and allow the drugs time to settle in your body.
The Carbimazole is an Anti Thyroid drug which will semi block your new ouw daily thyroid hormone production and simply ' buys you time ' while we wait for your immune system to calm back down again and hopefully your thyroid reset itself without the need for any drugs.
The Propranolol is a beta blocker and will protect your heart and also slow down the rate of the thyroid conversion from T4 to T3.
There can be some sort of brain / body disconnect with your thoughts and mind racing but with your body totally weak and exhausted just sitting on the sofa - this again will ease once the medication takes effect.
We do need to know your initial blood test readings at diagnosis :-
showing the TSH Free T3 and Free T4 results and ranges =
and we do need to know which antibodies were found in your bloods as when the thyroid malfunctions more than 1 set of antibodies can be found over range and positive and not all thyroid AI diseases are treated with an AT drug such as Carbimazole -
but I'm not sure you're in the right head space yet to push you too much with more questions.
Rest up - be selfish with your ' self ' and just do things you like to do until these horrible symptoms ease off a little -
My main symptom was insomnia and I was just sleeping 1 hour a night for 3 months before I went to see a doctor - the Carbimazole worked and after a week I was back at work - it can be frightening but it's not for much longer once you start the Carbimazole and Propranolol.
Please read the Patient Information Leaflets ( PIL ) within the packets and if Carbimazole does not suit you - there is an alternative AT drug referred to as PTU - Propylthiouracil.
graves buddy here … looking back at my symptoms in hindsight I had the following issues: sensory included vision being just weird, sensitive to noise, I was angry in ways that I’d never experienced before, hyper sensitive emotionally, warm, I was so hungry like sooooo hungry, gittery and more anxious generally about stupid stuff ….
Things you can do if you want to along with meds (not advise just what I did) meditation, steady relaxed walking, vitamin d supplementation and sunshine if we get any 🙄, stress management - easier said than done (for me I changed jobs, moved house and cut some people off 😱) - I took l-carnitine, lemon balm tea too, l-theanine, magnesium, selenium, cleaned up my diet and removed aspartame…
Although it’s not nice the Graves lark, one thing it did do for me was slow me down and make me have a rethink about how much I was doing and why …
I hope things improve for you just remember you’re poorly so personally I found it best to recognise that and just be poorly whilst your meds, lifestyle and body try and get you better 🥰🤞🏼🥰
I'm sorry you're struggling!
The mental health effects of hyperthyroidism were awful for me too but I promise they get better. It's a long journey but once your levels are stable, everything improves.
After about a year of thyroid treatment and getting my vitamin levels right, I have come off my antidepressants, started exercising, and I'm enjoying leaving the house and doing things. I was practically a recluse while my thyroid was bad, and I had panic attacks about going out.
I promise it gets better. You just have to wait it out and focus on your health. Please invest in some private blood tests to get your vitamin levels sorted. I pay £20 a month to Blue Horizon to get my vitamins checked every few months.
Good luck! You'll get there.
I have been struggling with Hashimotos for years. My auto immune antibodies were up in the 500's a couple of years ago. After an entire year (2024) of parasite cleansing-I did 27 cycles (some parasites are intracellular) I have been able to get my antibodies down to 86!! There is something to it and I highly recommend ANYONE with metabolic disease to do rigorous cleansing. As an added bonus, my autoimmune joint pain went away as well. Best Wishes!!