I've been feeling increasingly week during the last past months. Jelly legs, crying for no reason (not depressed though). I just want to lie down. Legs feel like lead, physically exhausted after minor exercise (short walk). Dizzy spells. Nauseated sometimes. Blurred vision.
I thought maybe my iron was low again, but no.
Because drs keep telling me I'm on too much T3, I lowered my Cytomel with 1/8 (!) of a tablet, going from 62.5 mcg to 59.375 mcg. I took this from my 6.30 PM dose. I also did this because I was very jittery, my hands were trembling and my heart was skipping a lot of beats with high pulse; The latter is quite usual for me, but not over 90 all of the time.
Lowering the Cytomel somewhat helped with the jittery feeling, but I am still trembling. Pulse still high-ish but better, less skipped heart beats.
My blood work showes a sligltly highter FT3 level then the previous time on LESS Cytomel , how is this possible?
BP is all over the place. Sometimes I have like 10/7, then it can be 14/9. T° is higher than usual, around 36 - 36.5°C at night which is rather high for me.
Chronic UTI has been playing up badly which could explain the BP and the t° I guess.
Just as reminder: I have untreated adrenal insufficiency as well.
I'll try posting my latest blood works. Folate isn't included: the dr forgot and then it was too late to add. But it alwasy has been fine so there's no reason to presume it suddenly wouldn't be.
Thanks in advance!