I was diagnosed with graves about a year and half ago on medication but thinking I have started these I have an enlarged liver with a reading of 138. And thyroid sky high but feeling really sick since using carbizole so not sure to go off them the doc has asked me to take thyroid out which I’m thinking about it. Not sure what to do it’s got to be eaiser than putting so much weight on cant shift it
thyroid : I was diagnosed with graves about a... - Thyroid UK

Welcome to the forum Suttie1,
So we can offer better advice, can you tell us more about your thyroid condition, eg when you were diagnosed, ongoing symptoms- other than sickness mentioned, current medication & dosage, plus blood test results (with ranges in brackets) for:
Plus any antibody and key vitamin tests (ferritin, folate, vitamins D and B12)
If your GP is unable to complete all the above (eg if TSH is within range, some surgeries may not be able to access FT4 and FT3 tests), you could look to do this privately, as many forum members do, for a better picture of your thyroid health:
Hello Suttie and welcome to the forum :
There is an alternative Anti Thyroid - Propylthiouracil - PTU for short - as some people can't tolerate Carbimazole because of these issues you mention.
Can you please share here with forum members your TSH T3 and T4 blood test results and ranges at diagnosis and also which antibodies were found in your bloods - thee are generally written as a TPO or TgAB - or TRab or TSI - or maybe words saying TSH Thyroid Receptor and then a single number and cut off range.
To be prescribed an AT drug there is generally a diagnosis of Graves Disease though when the thyroid malfunctions several sets of antibodies maybe found positive.
Graves is an Auto Immune Disease which generally only gets diagnosed when the thyroid and or eyes start getting attacked from your immune system.
Quite why this happens is unique to each person though stress and anxiety tend to common triggers and can occur after a sudden shock to the system like a care accident or the unexpected death of a loved one or maybe just seem to be ' out of the blue ' and there may well be a genetic predisposition with a family member - likely a generation away from you - with a thyroid health issue.
Graves treatment takes precedence as Graves is considered life threatening if not treated and the treatment is with an AT drug.
All the AT drug does is semi-block your own new daily thyroid hormone production while we wait for your immune system to calm back down again and hopefully your thyroid reset itself without the need for any drugs.
In the UK the NHS generally allocates a treatment window with an AT drug for 15-18 months and as your immune system calms down again and with blood tests every 6 - 8 weeks monitoring your progress, the AT drug is reduced down as otherwise you risk your thyroid hormones -
T3 and T4 - falling too far through the ranges with you becoming hypothyroid and with too low a level of T3 and T4 - which sounds like where you are now.
Have you been having regular blood tests and adjustments to the AT drug - and what were your last TSH, T3 and T4 readings and ranges ?
Are you eyes involved - dry, gritty, light sensitive, constantly watering and with pain ?
The most recent research we have is detailed under ;
The most well rounded website I found when researching is that of Elaine Moore books and website and currently we need to use the website via the archives :-