I bought a validated home use arm cuff blood pressure monitor as I have been concerned recently about my blood pressure, It always used to be on the low side and now it's gone up.
I actually blame Covid rather than thyroid or my meds but I may be wrong! It was always absolutely fine until I had Covid for the first time five years ago. It's been rising steadily since.
However, my problem is that my new blood pressure monitor keeps giving me wildly different results. I follow the instructions carefully - empty bladder, sit quietly, wait at least ten minutes after a hot drink. I support my arm at heart height. I then take three or four readings a minute or two apart. The systolic reading is wildly different each time - varying by as much as thirty points. This means some readings are ok and others are high. I contacted the supplier and got the device exchanged under the warranty. On Thursday the systolic varied between 145 and 161, the systolic between 62 and 119! Saturday the systolic was between 150 and 155, the diastolic between 61 and 75. But then this morning systolic was 139 and 154 and diastolic 64 to 68. Every time my heart rate readings are pretty similar. I have had systolic readings as low as 117.
I chose a monitor that has been validated rather than opting for a cheaper one. ( Braun ExactFit ).
My blood pressure is higher than I would like, so any advice on how to reduce it would be greatly appreciated. I have been vegetarian for over fifty years, eat healthily with lots of fruit and veg. I don't eat much sweet stuff and I cut down on salt a few years ago. I weigh ten stone and am 5! 7" tall so weight is not an issue. I also do long walks regularly now I am feeling a lot better. I have never smoked and drink very little. Is there anything else I can do?
My main question though is, Is my new blood pressure monitor working correctly? I find it difficult to believe I could have two faulty monitors. Is it normal for there to be so much difference with readings taken a couple of minutes apart? I am going to go to my gp hub on Monday to see what their machine says, but it's not possible to rest for ten minutes befor using it.
Thanks in advance for any advice.