Hi there guys only me, yesterday i hade a gp appointment as i wanted to get my blood pressure sorted once and for all as it has been on and off high for 2 years now, well what a performance it was as gp tried 3 times and it kept going up and up as i have white coat syndrome when it comes to them horrid arm straps thats me hitting 200!! Gp has given me a monitor to take recordings for a week, just wondering really,does having blood pressure affect the thyroid and if you are on blood pressure meds does this interfere any with thyroid meds(im on carbimazole). As always THANKYOUππ
Blood pressure meds and the thyroid.π - Thyroid UK
Blood pressure meds and the thyroid.π

Blood pressure can be affected but if you have white-coat syndrome that will skew results too.
I think as your dose is increased your BP might resolve. (I am not medically qualified).
Thanks shaws as always-i am on titration doses of carbi 2.5mgs but took pressure this morning twice on what a difference it was much lower than at gps!! Xπ how are you feeling now with trembles and breathless? Mine comes and goes that is what prompted me to get blood pressure do e and having a 24hour ecg, i got bloods done yesterday aswell so hoping they will show something.xπ
I have an under active thyroid but also take a calcium channel blocker and a beta blocker for high blood pressure. Even with the tablets I am usually over 145/78.

I was on betas when hyper but could not use them, mine at home today was pretty good but i think alot of mine is to do with white coat syndrome but we will see-dont know alot about betas but why them and not the usual meds for blood pressure? Or are they just betas?
If you use the Reply button underneath Hidden 's reply she will get email and on-site notifications to alert her you have replied to her post.
Lol, you would think after 6 months of being on this forum i would hit the correct tab.x
Just written you a long reply but that has disappeared too. Basically beta and calcium channel blockers both work in different ways to lower your blood pressure. Bisoprolol is often given. I find it plays hell with the Levo.

I hate it when that happens and you cannot get it back-never mind Hylda your info is still appreciated very much, i was hyper last year but now have hit hypo levels so on tiny doses of carbimazole, lets hope blood pressure will be ok then, anymore tablets i will be rattling-do prefer the old version of blood pressure monitoring where gp would maually pump the unit-more accurate i think.ππ
I too have white coat syndrome - but hyperactive thyroid is often associated with high blood pressure. Cutting down on salt in crisps peanuts and your diet can help reduce blood pressure. There is so much in biscuits cakes - it can affect your kidneys and lead to water retention. Stress which is involuntary and not under your control can give rise to shooting bp and intestinal problems. It helps to monitor your bp at home - you might find at certain times of the day it is higher than average - but GPs make you test your blood pressure at home before giving you a prescription.

Howdy g, yes i have my monitor here at home gp gave me and have to say it is looking much lower here than at surgery, i dont eat alot of salt anyway and never put it on food, i think the readings are ok, i just cannot do it at surgery but doc did say that heart palps and fast heartbeat could also be connected to iron def and thyroid meds-i am also having a 24 hour ecg done, i want to sort myself out once and for all, when are you back?π
It does not matter about the readings- you have to log them accurately - then if you need any help you can take a tablet. A friend of mine has a daughter who developed high blood pressure in her early teens and has to take the tablets for life! My hubby takes one Indapamide - it really is a life saver. Glad you are getting yourself sorted. I was asked to have blood pressure monitor on my wrist for over several days to do a test. My sleep is poor anyway so knew I would end up with sleep deprivation when turning over in bed with something on my wrist! You are a sensible eater - that's why it is so annoying when you are the one who gets the problem. You wouldn't mind if you ate so much stodge and fat and choccy you couldn't even find a six pack underneath with a crane . I have lost weight gone down another 2 pounds but must get back to my salad regime next week.
Off for a skin treatment under local anaesthetic. Hope the surgeon is good at sewing as some of them are quite happy to go ahead without micro surgery - hardly any specialists are taught micro surgery which leaves less scar tissue and heals faster. Returned home yesterday - it was dry and sunny most of the way. It's been cold here though today.
You are amazing - well done.

Thankyou g that was a lovely thing to say and im glad you are home safe, hope all goes well, let me know?.xxx
That DW TV show called "In Good Health" several years ago showed patients being treated for high blood pressure in medical settings with water running over portions of their bodies. I think this is a German show (?). Unfortunately it looks like you can only view the most current year of shows online. Did anyone else see the show? Have you tried taking a nice shower, running water down your arms just before your doctor appointment?
No i have not seen the show, lol i dont think anything would help me feel more at ease when having bp done in a clinical environment it probably didnt help going up a long flight of stairs and rushing and a takeaway cup of tea in my hand and feeling hot and bothered!! Glad i got the monitor at home though i think it gives a more accurate picture.xππ
Hi Rmichelle.
i was diagnosed with high blood pressure at the same time as Graves', although the jury is out on whether the two are related. I'm on calcium channel blockers, which helped with some of the worst symtoms (tremor and breathlesness). Even with medication, mine typically takes a couple of goes to come within range when tested, although for some weird reason, it comes down more quickly with the GPs than with the nurses....of course, the fact that one nurse jabbed me with a needle for a blood test before taking my blood pressure (I now get them to do it round the other way !), and the other nurse keeps telling me I'm peculiar probably doesn't help ! (I have a wide pulse pressure - ie wide difference between the two numbers, which is apparently not unusual with Graves').
Thanks valarian gp said that it could be connected but im doing my reading at home now and it seems much lower now, im happy to go on meds if needs be-did you have a monitor at home for seven days?
No. One of the GPS suggested this, but it hasnβt been retested since. My plan is to ask for this myself if itβs still high next time.