My GP told me to keep an eye on my b/p, but not to get obsessive - she specifically said don't test more than once a day, better to do only 4x per week.. I had the feeling some people end up with so much data that they see minor fluctuations and blow them up into major worries... anyway, I did it the way she said to start with...
I have started on hibiscus as it seems to have a good record for reducing high b/p. I want to avoid a second med being added to the perindopril I've been on for ages. My b/p was stable on it, borderline high but ok, until this year when it has just kept going up despite increasing from, erm, I forget but it went up twice and I'm now on 8mg daily. This after years of staying level. I think it's probably my thyroid doing this, and I'm afraid that if I start on a beta blocker it will be hard to come off it, so I want to bring the b/p down enough to shut my doctor up, until the thyroid problem is recognised.
I tried the hibiscus first (also halved my coffee intake). After about three weeks the b/p hasn't really dropped much. A bit but not much; I think it's starting to drop and then get a high reading. So as an experiment I thought I'd take my b/p a few times a day, and log the times I take the hibiscus as well as how I'm feeling not only physically but mood - to see which it correlates wtih. I know there's a circadian cycle but this doesn't fit my readings.
It's far too soon to look for a pattern properly but I am startled how different the readings have been. Systolic between 124 and 178; diastolic between 77 and 114 (ninety minutes apart). Now the systolic is supposed to vary with activity and stress in an immediate way, but the diastolic isn't meant to. Also, so far it is lower after activity and higher after a lie-down or sitting a long time - though too soon to say that's a real correlation.
I don't know very much about blood pressure, it's difficult to find useful information. In the old days (1980s-90s) they took notice of the diastolic mainly, and the rule of thumb was your age + 100 (I'm 50); now they worry about the systolic. That's the total of what I know, except you can have no symptoms until it's too late. The only way I've heard of b/p fluctuating wildly is after an event such as stroke, while the whole body "resets" itself. I haven't had any dramatic health event this week!
So I'm only asking if someone knows a lot more about b/p than I have ever been able to find out. Asking doctors and nurses has never, ever got full answers. Some are reluctant even to tell you what the reading is, irrational when they know you have a meter at home... but what the reading signifies, that's completely out of bounds for us unqualified patients. Anyone who actually knows, is this fairly normal when monitoring b/p so often?