I was diagnosed with graves and had rai 8 years ago.I've was on synthroid 137 4times a week and 150 the other 3 days.
In November started feeling hyper. Lowered 1 150 to a 137..
Continued feeling hyper, dropped another so now at (6) 137s and (1) 150.
I have tremors and shakes. Palpatations and heart arrhythmia. Tachy, multiple bms each day, can't sleep, tears, etc
As I have lowered pills the ft3 and ft4 have risen and the tsh lowered.]
Been to Dr. multiple times, no treatment.
Ft4 range( .65-1 44 )mine was 1.5
Ft3 (2-3.5) 3.05
Tsh (.340-4.820)1.779
And oddly fasting glucose (70-105)114
Glucose has never ever been high.
I'm living in hell
Usually my ft3 is 2.4 and I'm fine there.
Anyhow dr says I can lower synthroid as I wish.. so how much do I need to lower it and what would cause this?
Thanks so very much