Can only take accord or actavis and almus but not Teva. Any one know why?
Thyroxine brands: Can only take accord or actavis... - Thyroid UK
Thyroxine brands

Does it matter, as long as there are brands that work for you?

it’s likely to do with the fillers (excipients). Teva uses mannitol which some people react to. The others use lactose among other things. helvella has an amazing document with all of them listed .
helvella - Thyroid Hormone Medicines - UK
The UK document contains up-to-date versions of the Summary Matrixes for levothyroxine tablets, oral solutions and liothyronine available in the UK. Includes injectables and descriptions of tablet markings which allow identification. Latest updates include all declared ingredients for all UK-licensed products and links to Patient Information Leaflets, Dictionary of Medicines and Devices (dm+d), British National Formulary, NHS Drug Tariff, etc. PLUS how to write prescriptions in Appendix F.
Now also includes latest pricing information from dm+d..
Also includes links for anti-thyroid medicines (but not product details).
Direct link to PDF:
Blog last updated 28/12/2024 - documents are regularly updated
Link to blog:

Actavis was simply renamed as Accord a while after ownership of the company changed.
Almus is Accord but put into Almus boxes. Look on the card outer - it says Accord.

Welcome to the forum MiloMutley. Are you experiencing any adverse symptoms on your current brand of Levo/ dose? Do share any thyroid bloodtests with us if you would like any support/ advice from forum members.
MiloMutley I couldn't tolerate TEVA at all, very bad gut issues and came to the conclusion it was the acacia powder filler in the tablets. I used to take Almus/Accord but now take Vencamil/Aristo alongside some Sigma Pharma liothyronine and no longer have any gut issues. I am also Gluten free and avoid normal milk and cream , have Lactose free items instead. OK with cheese and yoghurt as lactose in them is very low and pills with lactose not a problem for me.
Lots of people can't tolerate Teva.