I had a thyroid scan today and the sonographer told me that I have ‘tiny nodules’ in both lobes. She said the lobes were normal size and nothing further to report. I asked why I had the nodules and she said ‘hormones’, that’s a rather sweeping generalisation so I wondered if someone would explain it further; ie. what do they signify and what should I do next? I’m currently on a break from self medicating thyroid hormone as I’d like to get a baseline reading of where my hormones are. Thank you in advance for any info.
Thyroid Nodules: I had a thyroid scan today and... - Thyroid UK
Thyroid Nodules

Hi sorry you have been waiting a while for a reply. My understanding is that is not unusual to have nodules. Especially not unusual here in the forum.
I was told I had adenoma in mine and got all worried but apparently that’s similar too, nothing to worry about.
PurpleNails will know how to explain to better.
A lot of people have nodules in their thyroid and they don’t cause any symptoms so they are not aware they have them. I have a multi-nodular goitre and I have Graves’ disease and my thyroid is bigger than it should be. Mine are not really noticeable and I just look like I have a fat neck so I am lucky . When I was first told about mine over 15 years ago I googled and some of the pictures I saw alarmed me because they can grow and make your thyroid very large. Sometimes you have to have your thyroid removed because it is pressing on your trachea and causing breathing problems. That does not always happen and it didn’t in my case. If I was you I would feel reassured that yours are tiny and not causing you any problems and I am sure you will be monitored like I have been to see if any are getting bigger or causing you problems.

Many thanks Lora7again - this was a private test and the sonographer is sending my GP the results so it’ll be interesting to see if there’s any follow up.
A Hashimotos attack is defined by white blood immune cells infiltrating/attacking thyroid gland tissue. Repeated enough times and the gland eventually becomes a fibrous mass with the follicular cells (where the thyroid hormone is made) disappearing.
As the thyroid gland becomes less efficient producing hormone, it makes a jelly substance called colloid that creates cysts and nodules. They are generally harmless with only a tiny proportion becoming cancerous or growing large enough to threaten obstructing the wind pipe.
A scan previously evidenced I had a multi nodular goitre (swelling) that shrank when I started medicating thyroid hormone replacement meds. Then the thyroid gland atrophied over several years likely through blocking antibodies so now I have absolutely nothing.
Radiographers who check thyroid glands scans, etc are usually used to the different appearances and will recommend further checks if anything looks untoward.
Many thanks Radd - I don’t think I have Hashimotos as I’ve never had positive antibodies. The sonographer said the gland looked normal in size and shape with no other irregularities, the only advice was to have a thyroid hormone test.
Oh yeh, sorry I forgot you don't have Hashi.
Well, I still think small cysts & nodules on the thyroid gland are likely common and normal even when autoimmunity isn't present, but maybe never identified as not usually tested unless there is a problem.
How are you feeling with no meds?

Thyroid nodules are common & most do not affect function & are too small to be noticeable.
It’s unknown what causes thyroid nodules. They can affect thyroid hormone function but if hormones causes them it would explain why they are so common. Everyone has hormones - that’s not an explanation.
Nodules require investigation if they cause a physical issue (pain, compression issues with breathing, swallowing or voice).
A hyper functioning, toxic nodule would cause continuous hyper. I have a large solitary nodule without autoimmune but nodules commonly occur with autoimmune too.