Hello, has anyone any information for PA patients in relation to the TSV and a rare side effect causing Guillain- Barré Syndrome, it’s just impossible to speak to a GP these days. A Pharmacist I consulted only checked similar online sites to ones I had already viewed.
RSV Vaccination and Guillain-Barré syndrome? - Thyroid UK
RSV Vaccination and Guillain-Barré syndrome?
Kazania, You could ask your question in the HU PA community if you haven't already. healthunlocked.com/pasoc/about
I have found this information from the University of Minnesota regarding the general risk of Guillaume Barré syndrome after RSV vaccination.
The rate was higher than expected for both the Pfizer vaccine (4.6 cases per million doses) and the GSK vaccine (1.1 cases per million doses).
The normal rate of GB in the general population is 1-2 cases per 100.000 people. However, people with an autoimmune disorder generally have a higher risk of developing another one.
Thank you so much Tina_Maria, I’ll checked it out a bit later today. A bit manic here at the moment have got roofers replacing roof, it began to rain and then we had water dripping down through the light fittings - there’s always something isn’t there.
No worries!
Hope you get the roof sorted soon - not a good time of year to have to tackle that!
Thank you very much. i think we’ve managed to sort the water in the wiring, and it now has the waterproof membrane on. The roofers had to quit for the day because of the heavy rain. Here’s hoping tomorrow is better. By the way in case you ever have your roof done, the amount of soot that billows about is unbelievable, they clean up after themselves, but not the soot, I had to hose it off the windowsills. Many thanks again😀
Thank you I’ve read the article now it’s very clear. So now, do I don’t I! 😄 Decisions! Decisions! Thanks again and take care
With vaccinations it is all about risk and benefit. If you are in a high risk category for example infants under 6 months, the elderly, immunocompromised patients, people with chronic conditions or smokers, it could be beneficial getting vaccinated.
If your immune system is working quite well and you are not prone to respiratory infections, you might want to think about it. At least with this vaccination, people are given a choice.
Thank you very much for your reply😀. Wow! 👏You can speak to a GP hurrah. I rang the surgery, the nurse said you’ll have to fill in an e-consult tomorrow, it’s closed for today !!! I tried to complete the form, !impossible, nowhere on it to request a GP to reply to a simple query - can’t get past a table of irrelevant options, tried them all, so just gave up. Thanks again
Well, I couldn’t see anywhere to put a question. Would you be able to tell me?