Help me understand whats going on with iron.
6 months ago I had an Iron Transfusion because my Iron has been so low for so long. Recently I haven’t been feel so great having issues again with breathlessness and my finger joints started to hurt (chalked that up to Psoriatic Arthritis) anyway I just had my 6 months Iron panel recheck done to see how the iron infusion was doing and thinking I was anemic again only to get hit with these results below …
Should I be concerned about these results because Im finding them very odd considering I eat a pretty high veg diet vs. red meat and the breathlessness is driving me crazy along with excessive fatigue and knuckle pain (I read it could be Iron Knuckle?)
Ferritin- 154 (13-150) (6 months ago it was 20)
Iron-92 (37-145)
TIBC- 279 (182-416)
Iron Sat- 33% (15-150)
UIBC- 187 (112-347)