Hi, I would appreciate advice on starting NDT and knowing what is normal in the first few weeks.
i have been prescribed a starting dose of 1/2 grain twice per day - one waking and second dose around 2-3pm increasing by 1/2 grain as I feel able and well. Aiming to get to 1 1/2 grains per day.
I am usually sensitive to medicines so have started with 1/4 grain twice per day, currently on day 10 at this dose.
For the last two days I have felt a little edgy and I am aware of my heartbeat (can hear it off and on in my left ear). Fullness sensation in ears, pressure feeling in face?
Temperature has stayed a bit erratic - ranging from 35.6-36.6. I always have low blood pressure, around 90/60 mostly. Heart rate usually 65-75 but has been slightly elevated in the last two days.
I have read that when getting some T3 you can feel a bit hyper before the body accepts and settles but do I try and increase my dose with these symptoms going on or stay at this dose. My patient notes do say expect some side effects upon starting and with each increase due to an increase in cortisol. I am not due to have a follow-up until bloods are done at the 6 week point. I am a patient of The Thyroid Clinic (Dr Georgina Conway).
I am petite - 5’1” and not carrying any extra weight (I don’t have scales so don’t know exact weight) - in case relevant for dosage.
Many thanks in advance for any advice