i am now about a month on 100mg euthyrox and i get headaches bloated stomach sweats and i dont sleep well i wake up 4 in the morning cant sleep how much should i lower to feel good . next test is next month 16th advice me pls
thyroxine 100mg makes e sweat and not able to ... - Thyroid UK
thyroxine 100mg makes e sweat and not able to sleep maybe too much?

Have you tried splitting the dose
Taking half in the morning when you wake and half at bedtime
Your previous posts show you do need dose increase
Ideally wait on this dose for minimum 6 weeks and retest
Are you working on improving low vitamin levels too
yes i am taking vitamins but as the time goes by with 100 i get feeing worse i will be able to test next month as i cant go private i have to wait two months . the worse is that i cant sleep more than 2.to 3 hours and wake very early in the morning and i got bad constibation bloating headache and tension
hope i start feeling beter after while thanks for the advice i always follow your advice thanks
Constipation is common hypothyroid issue
lots of posts discussing
Bloating also common
All should improve as you get use to higher dose levothyroxine

I sweat more when my FT3 is low 🌱
Hi, I read your post and want to say I can relate to how you must be feeling about the stressful symptoms in your body. I have been on medication since May and initially wondered whether I would ever be able to do anything again. The doctor has upped my dosage and while Im still not at optimal dose, I am feeling so much better. Some days I felt tired and I still get strange symptoms but I am getting there. I was initially on Euthyrox and it really wasn't for me, in that everything felt unreal. I switched to Eltroxin and it has made all the difference. I also take Neurobion and Vitamin D and multi-vitamins and I try have a nutritional shake every day. I am also still learning so value your response.
euthyrox 100 makes me feel ill i been trying since january to find right dose but i havent suceed yet this sight has help me alot and i follow the advice that i get but at the moment i am having face sweats headaches ibs and cant sleep i do think my dose is too high for me but next month i can get some test and see. it takes long time and is a lot of symptoms some days i feel so bad that i dont want to do anything . i take vit d3 and b12 not every day as my stomach is in bad pain hope you get beter and find dose you need is hard situation tks for wrteting to me . i live in cyprus and we only have two brands of thyroxine euthyrox and t4 i tried tem both and there the same i was tod of tirosint but cant get that one and is too expensive to buy