fraxuating tsh my son has bad depression an... - Thyroid UK

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fraxuating tsh my son has bad depression anxiety and differe.he is # weeks nt medication dont help

morcan54 profile image
17 Replies

since he started 50mg euthyrox his anxiety got worse . he is tsh is fraxuated from normall to 5.82 and back down 3.82 a week later waS 5.45 should he take thyroxine doesent help .he also has fear dont know if euthyrox is helping or making things worse .he also has higher prolactin .low testerone high isulin and cortisoll both on high border line . one year and half now he is been in out of hospital change medicines and trying a lot of defferent still has anxiety not paranoid just a lot of worring what happens if he dont need thyroxine and he is taking it pls any body same situation what did . you do to feel beter he is 3 weeks on euthyrox 50mg

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17 Replies
Buddy195 profile image

TSH should be under 2, so likely your son will need an increase in Levothyroxine to achieve this. Most members report feeling best with TSH closer to 1, so he has a way to go.

Was FT3 and FT4 tested for a more complete picture of his thyroid health?

We also recommend testing key thyroid vitamins- folate, ferritin, B12 and vitamin D.

High anxiety has been the worst thyroid symptom for me- this stabilised when thyroid medication and key vitamins were optimised

Marz profile image

How does he take his medication ? Does he wait an hour before eating ? Does he take his other meds well away from his thyroid meds ?

You have had good advice about B12, Folate, Ferritin in earlier threads. Have they been tested ?

greygoose profile image

5O mcg levo is not likely to help much, it's only a starter dose. But, with hormone, we absolutely have to start with a low dose and increase slowly. And on a low dose, things can get worse before they get better.

But, that does not mean that he doesn't need the levo. Only the blood test results can tell us if he needs it or not, so do you have his results from when he was diagnosed? If so, post them here with the ranges, and let's have a look.

But there is no need to worry. If it were the case that he's taking it when he doesn't need it, it won't do him any harm. Levo is very safe.

But I think he's tested too often. There is no point in retesting after one or two weeks. It take at least six weeks for the body to adapt and settle. We have to be very patient because there is no quick fix. It's all going to take time. :)

morcan54 profile image
morcan54 in reply togreygoose

tsh 5.54 [0.4-4.5] ft3 4.1[3-1-6-8] ft413.82[12-22] b12 ]343[100-900] tpo24 .7 [34]tg21.82[ 115] prolactin serum 27.7 testeron[ 4.04-15-2] d3 22[30-100] insulin serum 17.72[ 2.8-24.9] cortisol serum 6.2-19.4]19.4[ testerone 10 this was done 29 august

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply tomorcan54

OK, so with those results he definitely needed levo - and still does, of course - levo is for life. His TSH was far too high, and his Frees too low.

But, as I said, 50 mcg levo is not going to make much of an impact on his symptoms. He will eventually need an increase of 25 mcg, but not until he's been on 5O for at least six weeks. Levo is a hormone, and hormones do not work rapidly, so patience is the key. :)

DippyDame profile image

50mcg T4 is a starter dose.

After 6 weeks your son needs another test and an increase to 75mcg.

Test again after another 6 weeks...

Those results will show whether he needs more T4

Thyroid medication is a long slow process....3 weeks isn't enough time to feel any change in symptoms

It's not like taking a painkiller for a headache!

Anxiety is a text book symptom of hypothyroidism

TSH is not a reliable marker , it fluctuates throughout the day

He needs to also test FT4 the storage thyroid hormone and FT3 the active thyroid hormone

In addition....vitamin D, vitamin B12, folate and ferritin must be optimal to support thyroid function

And....., thyroid antibodies TPO and Tg must be tested to check for thyroid autoimmune disease....known also as Hashimoto's. This is a common cause of hypothyroidism.

Does he have the results from his diagnostic / first thyroid test. If so can he post them here so that we can see what is going on.

What he appears to be suffering from is undermedicated hypothyroidism but he needs a full thyroid test (as described above) after he has been on T4 for 6 weeks.

Getting correctly treated for hypothyroidism can be a worrying time because improvement is slow and patients can begin to wonder if the treatment is correct and working.

I'm afraid your son will need to stick with his treatment for longer and be patient...and that can be difficult as I once found out!

But things will improve with correct medication.

Wishing him well.

SilverAvocado profile image

Morcan54, I agree with other members, that unfortunately you son will have some time to wait before he can hope to feel better. I tend to say that it can easily be six months till the thyroid medication really helps - enough times to have had a handful of dose adjustments (with 6 weeks wait between each). The first time or two he will almost certainly need increases, best practice is to adjust by 25mcg per time.

The one thing we can reassure you about is that his blood tests show he definitely does need this medication. And being low on thyroid causes depression and anxiety, as well as many many other physical, emotional and cognitive symptoms, so once he is on the correct dose he will hopefully get some relief from these things. Being low on thyroid hormone will be making him feel rubbish right now, and it can be very very bad, even though doctors will often under play it.

Sometimes it can be reassuring to know that this diagnosis does explain a lot of the bad symptoms you have, and also to know that it takes a long time to feel better. He just needs to hang on by his fingertips for this time, and do his best to cope however he can. And yes, initially starting on thyroid hormone makes many people feel worse. The dose is enough to disrupt your own body's thyroid supply, but not enough to be giving you much of a helping hand.

The really important thing is that you keep taking him in every six weeks and make sure he gets retested and has a dose adjustment. Doctors are not always on board with doing this as they should. I've also been made to wait closer to three months in the past.

Good luck! Hopefully your son will be doing well once he has had a few adjustments, and a lot of his troubles will be over. This forum is a great store of information about thyroid, so I advise reading more to find out more about the condition. But also remember around 80% of patients do well on thyroid hormone once they are settled on the right dose, so there is a good chance your son will be in this category and have a good outcome!

Helene- profile image

Hello Morgan,

Sorry to see that your son is so unwell. I never heard that thyroid treatment generates anxiety. I am not a doctor, but honestly, to me it's not related at all.

He should of course continue his thyroid treatment. He needs an endocrinologist. Hopefully you have an insurance and you can pay one competent in private.

And, in parallel, he needs to see a psychologist because his anxiety is important and to get better, he needs to go on therapy to understand the reason of his anxiety, otherwise he can go on for years with symptoms, if not for life, developing coping mechanisms to handle the stress.

Watch the diet of your son. It is primordial that he eats protein and vegetables. A mix of Paleo and vegetarianism (half and half) is great: grilled meat and vegetables. Fruits every day. Forget definitely potatoes, crips, sauces, sodas, burgers, bread, sweets, etc. Healthy food only and in small quantity, everyday. Why do I say that? Because this will make his cortisol drop. Food changes us completely, our mind, our thoughts, every cell of our body. Some people think that food is just the tool to loose weight. This is just ridiculous and completely wrong, or it is just a very small aspect of the picture. Food is the tool to transform your life, and even more, to transform yourself, but completely, scientifically, your son, with a great food intake on the long term (with a serious discipline) will change every cell of his body and mind, reduce stress, cholesterol, it will balance his entire system.

I would add meditation, as it is scientifically proved that it pushes away anxiety to bring calm. in your life. (I confirm, I do it). There are buddhist temple everywhere in England and it costs basically nothing. Easier than do it alone at home.

Every morning he can take Ashwaganda. It's an adaptogen that helps your body manage stress better. The plant — particularly its root — has been used for over 3,000 years as a natural Ayurvedic remedy. Modern science also links it to health benefits, such as reduced stress and anxiety and improved blood sugar levels, mood, and memory. Most research suggests that taking 250–500 milligrams (mg) per day for at least 1 month.

There is also the possibility to take him to an Ayurvedic Doctor.

I certainly don't have to give you advices for your son, this is only what I would do for my son, maybe this will inspire you.

Always remember: there is no miracle-pill. A global effort is required to feel better, and on the long term, especially when it comes to stress and anxiety, I believe only in holistic treatments that require to treat the whole body and mind, and you will see results. Good luck for your son.

morcan54 profile image
morcan54 in reply toHelene-

i am very sad as he wont go to psygologist and wont listen to anything i say h wants more tablets in high doss and his is lost he keps going in and out of psychiatric clinic and there dr dont carethy just give hin a lot of mdication and he just sleeps every thing i say as if i am he is enemy i am sad very sad i cant go on anymore i am too old for this as i dont feel very well i raised thyroxin and i think is too high for me i am having heart palpirations and depression crying all day today .. you metion this herball we live in cyprus dont know if we have it heer thanks for all the advice

Helene- profile image
Helene- in reply tomorcan54

oh god, I’m very sorry for your son, this sounds serious, maybe a depression. Of course it is pressure for you, I can understand, especially if he doesn’t want to hear anything. Unfortunately nobody can help someone if the person does not want any help., even if you’re the mum!

Yes Ashwaganda is a powerful herbal treatment, but of course certainly not for someone that already take medecine prescribed by a psychiatrist. Never mix Ashwsgsnda with the other medecine! This is only for people who are not under medication please.

Concerning you, if you cry all day, I think it’s not your thyroid, it’s the situation you’re in, it’s hard! Who would not feel bad?

But when you raise your Levothyroxine, it is normal that the more you raise the dosage, the more palpitations you have. This is a well known collateral symptom.

I have this problem. Like a lot of people. I take my Levothyroxine. And for the palpitations, I take daily a little bit of Propranolol, this is a medication for the heart, and I am calm: no palpitations.

Of course Propranolol is prescribed by my endocrinologist. And I make a control at my cardiologist every year.

You need to see an endocrinologist, he will find the right combination for you (as we are all different). There are no endocrinologists in Cyprus? If you want to come abroad, please don’t come to England, go anywhere in Europe. I know a couple of competent endocrinologists in Paris-France if you want, that’s all I can do.

I wish you the best, for you and your son.

morcan54 profile image
morcan54 in reply toHelene-

there is endocrinilogist few it takes months to be able to see one so my pathologist gives me advice and slow dragon help me alot i followed all the advice and i was feeling beter and when i raised to 100mg i feel bad

SlowDragon profile image

many, many members have anxiety when hypothyroid and when getting use to new dose of levothyroxine

He can try taking dose at bedtime, it can be more effective

Or he can try taking half dose in morning waking…..and half at bedtime

But what ever he does it’s essential he takes vitamin everyday

Always on empty stomach and then nothing apart from water for at least an hour after

Getting his low vitamin levels improved can also help reduce symptoms

Psychiatrist should be made aware of his autoimmune thyroid disease

Mental issues including Bi-polar and Hashimoto's

Links discussing how hashimoto’s and mental illness can be linked

morcan54 profile image
morcan54 in reply toSlowDragon

psychiatrist stoped his thyroxine they said he dont need it also b12 fot them is normall he jst takes vit d .. i am very angry over this i tried talking withem and one dr throu the file on my face aand said you treat him is bad attitude and is the only psychiatric clinic in limassol general hospital if i report them thy will not accept him for treatment ...

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply tomorcan54

Very sorry to hear this

Poor treatment and care far too common

morcan54 profile image
morcan54 in reply toSlowDragon

i like yor advice is now 2 weeks i am on 100mg bt i cant take it give me low heart bits hbp and n well feeling my pulse went as low as 47 with high bp 195/110 i took medication but how can i make the dose not to make me ill i do feel is too much but i dont want to keep changing

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply tomorcan54

Are you

A) working on improving low vitamin levels

B) taking Levothyroxine well away from all supplements

C) have you tried splitting your levothyroxine dose as half dose in morning and half dose at bedtime

d) do you find symptoms worse in morning and better in evening…..this suggests cortisol issues

Low heart rate is common when hypo.

My own heart rate still drops below 50 most nights…..and often below 44-46

Retest thyroid (ideally) at least 6 weeks after any dose change

morcan54 profile image
morcan54 in reply toSlowDragon

thank you have a good day your advice has helped me a lot

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